Friday, August 12, 2022

DNR'S – Straight from the Devil's Handbook

A DNR is a Do Not Resuscitate order. They started being pushed by the medical profession around the same time that assisted suicide became legalized. I understand the reasons that they are appealing, I really do. It still doesn't change the fact that the entire concept comes right from the Devil himself.

Not to get too personal, but I know people, right now (my husband included) who are considering the question of having a DNR order put on their medical file, as a matter of legal documentation. They say, I'm old, sick, my body is worn out, why would I want to be resuscitated? It's a quality of life issue, etc. I have heard all the arguments.

Over 15 years ago or so, before I ever started this blog, I was in the hospital with double pneumonia. I was there for over a week and was not improving. Right before I had gotten sick, I had a horrible break up with the guy I was seeing at the time and was hurt very badly. I remember saying, Lord just let me die already. My life sucks and I just want it to be over.

I felt the Lord say, I have plans for you. That was the day that I started getting better. This whole blog documents, how the Lord's plans unfolded for me and continues to unfold.

The point is, we don't know what plans the Lord has for us. Whether He will heal us and strengthen our bodies or not.

The adversary would love it if we all just laid down and died, especially now – save him the trouble. The devil is the biggest douche of all, why make it easy for him? Not sure what else I can say about it. 

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Wendy, I have a different take or feeling on DNR statuses, to clarify, not to be taken lightly and to be used only unless terminally ill person is close to death and while aggressive medical intervention may prolong life, it comes down to dignity, suffering and quality of life had these medical interventions be used. I have seen men and women miraculously brought back from the brink guided by God's hand on the doctor's skills and I have witnessed horrific effects and anguish on that person and family. I have a DNR status and it spells out in exacting detail what conditions and prognosis my continuing life will entail depending on the circumstances of an illness or traumatic injury.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Yep Wendy he is not done with many of us. I had two close calls that should have allowed me entrance into my future paradise but lo I am still here. Every day is a bonus.

wendyworn said...

I agree Bear Claw!