Thursday, August 11, 2022

Could They Be Bluffing?

As I stated before – paying your federal taxes is voluntary in this country. Of course, not paying your taxes has always carried the threat of violence.

“The IRS also has the power to levy your bank accounts, garnish your wages and place a lien on your property if you don't voluntarily pay what you owe. In serious cases, you may even face criminal charges.”- Turbo Tax

Now this recent scary bill has just been passed where they are going to hire 87,000 new IRS agents fully armed with orders to use lethal force. That coupled with the over $700 million in new money to hire said agents and the over 5 million in ammunition they have at their disposal – INCLUDING hollow point bullets – well, paints a horrifying picture for the average law-abiding citizen, doesn't it?

Part of being a good American citizen, a true patriot, was paying our taxes. We pledged our allegiance to the flag, obeyed the speed limit, went to do our civic duty and voted, even if we had to hold our noses to do it. We believed in paying our taxes. It was the right thing to do. We were brainwashed from our youth to believe in those things.

But here is the bluff I was talking about:

Where are they going to get the WORKERS to take those jobs? The IRS was already short-staffed before this. They literally did not have any people to hire for the jobs the had open before this bill.

Here is from itself:

“We're open and processing mail, tax returns, payments, refunds and correspondence. However, COVID-19 continues to cause delays in some of our services. Our service delays include:

  • Live phone support

  • Processing tax returns filed on paper

  • Answering mail from taxpayers

  • Reviewing tax returns, even for returns filed electronically”

If you scroll down the page it states, “COVID-19 operations and staffing limits have affected other services”

As of right now – they haven't even finished processing 2021 tax forms and there are people out there still waiting for their refunds from last year.

They are actually going to have bots start answering the phones because they just don't have the actual staff to do it. Are the bots going to enforce it?

I'm officially calling their bluff.



Cederq said...

I am thinking it is obamama's "Civilian Police Force, as big as the military...) being assembled under the bidet regime.

wendyworn said...

Maybe. I don't know but something stinks around here and there are more of us than there are of them.

Anonymous said...

That’s an interesting theory! It’s always easier to pretend to hire a giant team and have people fall in line out of fear. Also I was wondering yesterday, what alternative media reporter was the first one to see the IRS job opening listing…the story spread online like wildfire and wasn’t suppressed at all. Almost like the powers that be didn’t mind it getting shared around.

wendyworn said...

Exactly! Plus I saw stories yesterday about how they are training IRS agents in simulated housing areas etc. I mean, we already know they are liars and will use propaganda on the unsuspecting public. I just wouldn't put it past them.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Most of their fans are homer losers like the IRS. Bwahahahaha. Yes I went to the other school.

ghostsniper said...

$700,000,000 / 87,000 = $8,000 per
Sumfinks rong wif dis maff.

wendyworn said...

Hahahahahaha! so funny! Well, our enemies are idiots as you have just proven.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Calling it voluntary and then listing the ways you will be made to suffer if you Don't Voluntarily pay means it's Not Voluntary.
Makes me wonder why they Say it is voluntary and what it means when you challenge that obviously untrue language.
If three thugs surround you and tell you how happy you would make them by voluntarily giving one your watch,another, your billfold and the third, your car keys, would you be lying when you file a police report saying you were mugged? After All, you Voluntarily gave them what they wanted, right? It Was voluntary,, wasn't it?
If that were true, every mugger would politely ask, while pointing out that their friends standing around you are fully prepared to beat you into submission and because they offered you the opportunity to voluntarily hand it over, it's Not a Crime!!

wendyworn said...

nope - cant argue with that logic. that is how they keep getting away with robbing us blind