Monday, August 22, 2022

More Fun Facts about the IRS

Here is a nice picture of the front of the IRS building in Maryland. The Vigilant Citizen actually wrote a story about them 10 years ago!

Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland

Interesting from the comment section – the hand symbols on the pillars are actually the American Sign Language sign for “You Owe”

You can see a video of the sign here: Signs for OWE

 This picture of the pyramid that is between the two pillars show WE at the top with a clear line and The People at the bottom. That is why the rich people never really pay taxes. It's not for them only us.

Technically, The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air, loans it to our government at interest. The people are the collateral on the debt, whether we want to be or not. The IRS are the debt collectors. The whole thing is one big extortion racket.

Here is a couple links from the Corbett Report:

As#TaxationIsTheft Trends, Bloomberg Rebrands the IRS

Of course You-Tube and Google are actively scrubbing the information from the internet:

YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information. It's Up To YOU To Spread It!

Added Bonus from Moonbattery:

Democrats Launder Our Money Through IRS Salaries

That's all for now. 

Take care out there!



Cederq said...

IRS, only put in place over a hundred years by communists to destroy the Christian, middle class families, to tax and harass them. The US didn't need it then or now, it is an unconstitutional agency. The US was funded by tariffs and fees on commodities.

wendyworn said...

yep - totally unconstitutional!

Justin_O_Guy said...

G.Edward Griffin has YouTube videos and explains how it works.
He has a book out, called The Creature from Jekyll Island, and then he followed it with a second one, IDK how they are different. I read the first one. I couldn't stand laying it down. Not that I remember this part from the book, but, in 1913 we got the income tax and the federal Reserve. You Know the taxes paid in don't even come close to what they spend. The federal Reserve auctions TBills and then they print the dollars that the sale of the TBills Created. Except for when the world stops being willing to Buy the TBILLS. Then the Federal Reserve buys them. Read that again. That would be like You hauling stuff to an auction because you Need some dollars, and nobody buying your stuff, so You write a check for Your stuff and go home and pretend you made money at the auction. It's Called Monetizing the Debt.
Anyway, every dollar in existence is Borrowed into existence. So why do we need to pay taxes at all? Why not just borrow everything? The percentage of taxes paid in against what America spends is not that much anymore. The only thing I can figure is it's like borrowing from a loan shark. You Gotta pay the Vig. Or else.
Creature from Jekyll Island is one helluva book. The videos are pretty good, too.
If you've never actually thought about it, look around at all the countries in the world. Find one that uses a fractional reserve banking system and operates with the same model of currency creation that is Not in debt. Now, since China holds TBILLS, we owe them what they are worth, and every other person and country sitting on our TBILLS. It's kinda baffling when I stop and look at it. It's like five guys sitting down to play poker and everyone walks away in debt. The bank is the winner. It's starting to look like it's calling in the markers.
I'm pretty sure that when the people who attend the Bilderberg meetings say they don't conduct business, it's just a little get together of the worlds most powerful people, I'm starting to think they are lying.

wendyworn said...

I think you are correct! have a great night!