Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Where is a Tree-Hugger When You Need One?

This is a map of forestland in Scotland.

Of all the news stories I read yesterday, and I read a lot, this was the one that bothered me the most:

Scotland cut down 14 million trees to make way for wind turbines

I don't know why it bugged me so much. Maybe, the obvious stupidity of such an idea, I don't know. I looked a little deeper into the subject.

50 years ago, Scotland had several reforestation programs, even to the point of giving tax incentives to the public to try to get them to plant trees on their properties. If you are interested in looking at the history of reforestation efforts in Scotland – here is a link that is really interesting. Scroll down for the more modern history.

A history of Scotland's forests

Come to find out – the cutting down of trees and the putting up wind turbines is all part of combating the “climate emergency” that our enemies are constantly pushing and the agenda to destroy everything in the name of Net Zero carbon emissions. (Which actually boils down to our ability to breath – being carbon based life forms.)

Net Zero is bad mmmmkay.

The language always sounds so good, but ultimately it's not to our benefit. It starts with 14 million, but little by little, they will destroy the rest. They do state in this video that they are planting trees, and maybe they are. Watch closely - there is literally a scene where you can see a bunch of dead trees in the background. Tragic. This story is about Scotland, but it is happening all over the world. Watch Scotland for upcoming out of control wild fires. 



1 comment:

wendyworn said...

Just thought I would add this that I found on the official website

There are many reasons why your organisation might want to get involved in carbon projects with Forestry and Land Scotland, and a greener future.

Protect and enhance Scotland’s iconic landscapes
Support projects local to you
Support projects that provide specific wider impacts beyond carbon, such as community or water benefits
Create a diverse portfolio of carbon projects that can offset unavoidable emissions for decades to come

Supporting our carbon projects is just one step that organizations can take to help combat the climate emergency. Before considering offsetting, we expect you to have taken steps to:

Measure your carbon footprint
Prevent any avoidable emissions
Reduce your remaining emissions as far as possible