Thursday, September 22, 2022

Black Stars


(Update: My mom is doing good – her appetite has returned. Thank you for all your prayers!)

At Trumps recent rally, he pulled back the curtain to reveal an American flag that had black stars on it. My jaw just dropped. I was listening to this podcast at the time that said that when this flag was flown, it meant that the enemy had a certain amount of time to surrender before they would all be killed. The podcast was going on the premise that the Deep State was the enemy and was happy about it.

I'm not so sure about that. There are a lot of people who still think that the “white hats” are working behind the scenes and that Trump is still “our” president. They say, “It had to be this way to wake up the public.”

Did it? Did it have to be this way? War has been openly declared on “we the people” all over the world. Is that flag meant for us?

There is an ex-military guy going around talking about military law and signals, etc. that proves that Trump is still our president. He makes a good case, and maybe he is right and Trump is still the president. The question isn't whether or not Trump is still the president. The question is – is he on our side or the enemies?

I don't think the black star flag bodes well for us. I could be wrong. I just remember how Trump loves to read the “you knew I was a snake when you let me in the door” speech. He has read it out loud more than once.

For what it is worth, that flag has now been revealed. I guess time will tell whether it is an ill omen or not. Keep up your preps and continue to pray for our country.

Take care out there.


Justin_O_Guy said...

Very happy to hear about your mom. Based on everything you said and the things I have seen, I really wasn't that hopeful. It's good to be wrong sometimes..

Never heard of the black star flag before. Without loading a PDF, best I can tell it says Give no quarter, which I Think translates to
Take no prisoners.
The many unforced errors by Trump makes your question about
Whose side is he Really on? A good question.
At the end of the day, he's just one man. Everyone else that was on our side is still on our side. It doesn't change anything, IMO, whichever side he is on,unless our side lets him walk us into a wood chipper.

Cederq said...

I am with Justin, never heard of the black star story. Can you enlighten us some more, or point us and release the hounds? I too am glad about your Mom. Nobody should experience that. Had I been her husband, the black flag would have been raised and no prisoners taken! The medical profession has change considerably since I was a nurse. We would not have put up with that at all! Back then we were the patient's advocate and took that seriously. Not so much now...

wendyworn said...

this was the first time I had heard of the black star flag too. You can go to the link for the podcast. I did a duck/duck go search - but really didnt find anything. maybe it is new? i dont know

Justin_O_Guy said...

A partially black flag has a clear meaning. It's War Time against the enemies of The People. The flag appeared unusual - ominous even. The blacked-out

I don't know anything about this. It's all I can find. I've seen enough to be skeptical, you decide what you think. I think it's good news, and that flag Trump had didn't make itself.
It does look like this PDF is new,and it's because of the flag Trump had.
There are a couple of mentions of the black star flag, but they don't open for me. And whoever decided what the hand is saying, well, I don't know anything about that.
If our children and grandchildren will have a decent future, something needs to happen. It's a damn shame I'm a crippled up old man. If I'm gonna take it to the street, I'm gonna need to borrow somebody's golf cart.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I don't see a reference to the flag Trump had that has a date prior to his speech. But every one I see says the same thing. Surrender now, or don't expect any mercy. It's a Take no prisoners thing.
Best I can tell.
I went four pages into the search, not exactly exhaustive.

wendyworn said...

thanks for trying Justin. Something is very very fishy with this flag. its probably a preview of what's to come - no more states, just one big globalist family. (just speculating) especially the fact we can't find any old info. very ominous in my opionion

Steve said...

I worked as an EMT and ER nurse for over 20 years. First hospital was run by a religious organization that truthfully "took care of the poor". Now, ALL,(and I won't back down from that statement) hospitals are money makers for corporations.
NONE of the doctors are in it for the "goodness of man". They're all in it for the year end bonuses

wendyworn said...

yes. it is truly awful what people will do for money