Friday, September 2, 2022

Taking the Wins


(I'm deliberately not going to talk about the speech given last night. I don't care how many lighting guys they have on the crew. Blaming us for what they are doing is nothing new and I'm not going to get needlessly angry over it. One good meme can blow it all away. I actually think it is funny that they thought it would get a rise out of us. *Yawn*)

I use to live down the street from a Bed, Bath and Beyond store. I went to the store many times to actually buy something, but I left there empty handed more times then not. They were ridiculously expensive. Why would I pay $200 for a sheet set, when I can go down the street to Fred Meyer and get one for $40?

But, when they decided to not carry My Pillow products because of Mike Lyndell's politics, that just pissed me off. I didn't even have a dog in the fight. I've never bought any My Pillow products either. It was just the principle of the matter. Felt the same way when Target decided not to differentiate between children's clothing. I just added Bed, Bath and Beyond to the growing list of stores I will never set foot in again. Apparently, A LOT of people felt the same way.

Bed, Bath & Beyond To Close 150 Stores 18 Months After Canceling My Pillow

They brought it on themselves. I guess they should have stayed out of the political arena.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Girl, you ain't whistling Dixie! There are a lot of stores and products I refuse to buy and shop at. Too long to remember them, I have a list, I check it twice... If you gonna insult my intelligence, my race or my gender or your prices are too damn high as to value, you just aren't getting my money. I am not afraid to tell them why too! I have walked into Target, asked for the manager and said out loud why I am not going to grace your check out counter for what ever the store as decreed that week about. Target, Trader Joe's especially.

wendyworn said...

Yep. voting with your dollars is better than voting with ballots. I think we are going to see their whole empire crumble to the ground. never to rise again

wendyworn said...

Agreed - and they should eat the bugs they wish on us!

Justin_O_Guy said...

I don't understand why, when a publicly traded company, makes a decision regarding what they will or will not sell, based on political ideology instead of the bottom line, why don't shareholders sue the board? I was a regular customer at Dicks sporting goods, until they ditched the AR. If I've been in Target since they went crazy, I was with someone who was determined to get something there, a Bed Bath and wherever? It's just not necessary for me to get what I need in life to walk in there.

wendyworn said...

I don't understand it either