Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day

According to the official narrative from the US Dept of Labor:

“The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.”

There are some alternative historical accounts out there – but since I have no way of knowing what is the truth or not – we will just stick with the official story – for what it is worth.

It's ironic that on this Labor Day – the rich men of the earth have openly declared war on those of us who work for a living. Criminals and lay abouts and illegal aliens all get a pass to practice their lawlessness. Those of us who are wise and see the reality of the situation are quietly preparing to protect ourselves against the coming siege. We don't yet know what it will look like, but we know that they are blatantly destroying the food production, the water, the fuel supplies. They are stealing our wealth out from under us and threatening us in every way possible. They are even using the weather and psychological manipulation against us. Each one of these abuses alone is an act of war, but it has never been all at once and global. The future looks daunting for us to say the least.

I am reminded of a story in the bible of two beggars sitting outside a besieged city. The armies that surrounded the city had been there for months and months and the city had no food. The beggars decided to go down and throw themselves on the mercy of the enemy army. They would be prisoners, but maybe they could at least get fed.

So they walked down to where the surrounding army was stationed. For as far as they could see, the army was all dead bodies. The Lord had sent a noise, a NOISE, in the middle of the night and caused the enemy soldiers to attack and kill each other. There were no survivors. The beggars were so surprised and happy, that they spent the first day taking spoils. Gold, food, garments. It wasn't until the second day that they thought maybe they should go tell the people in the city what had happened.

So consider this story as you continue to pray and prepare (especially water!). If God can take out an army with a noise, think about how spectacularly He will take down these people for their egregious crimes against humanity and wanton destruction of His creation. The enemies plans are already beginning to unravel.

Take care out there.



Justin_O_Guy said...

I'll take Rap music for a thousand, Alex.

wendyworn said...

Hahaha! that gave me a good laugh! I needed that