Sunday, September 18, 2022

Hospitals – Purveyors of Evil


(Quick Update – My father in law came by yesterday morning and we had a nice visit. He didn't stay long. It was actually anti-climatic after he left, but the house was nice and clean. My husband and I ordered hot wings and spent the rest of the day relaxing and talking. I don't think either one of us realized how stressed out we were before the visit. Much ado about nothing. Not much else to say about that.)

My mother is very sick. She has been in and out of hospitals for the last couple months.

My sisters and my dad have taken turns sitting with her daily, so that she wasn't alone. They would call to give me updates since I am in Kansas and they are all out in Oregon.

This particular hospital, that my mom is at now, gave her a procedure that destroyed her kidneys, and she had to go on dialysis. Normally, dialysis is three times a week, but they have had her on dialysis every day.

Two days ago, even though my mom has NO symptoms whatsoever and should not have had any kind of test, the hospital told my sisters that my mom tested positive for Covid. My sisters were outraged and did not believe the hospital. They demanded to know why she was tested if she had no symptoms and further, wanted a 2nd test to rule out a false positive.

The hospital has refused to do a 2nd test and told my sisters that my mom would have to quarantine for 10 days and they would no longer be able to visit her until the quarantine was over. This, of course, triggers certain “protocols” and they say that they are treating her with steroids and a so far unnamed drug.

So that is the status as of today. My sisters are fighting with the hospital but no one can visit my mom except my dad, who they are making wear 2 masks and a face shield while in the room with her. He is having his own health issues and can't breathe with all that masking.

Please pray for my mom and the rest of our family. 

The enemy has done this.

Take care out there.


Justin_O_Guy said...

I don't want you thinking nobody is reading that or nobody cares.
I read it. It hurts me. I'm praying for her safety and your and your dad's strength in dealing with their unreasonable behavior and whatever comes next.
No telling how many people will read it and just be at a loss for words. I've typed and erased, I'm still not comfortable with this, but it's all I have. Be strong.

wendyworn said...

thank you Justin. It is greatly appreciated. you said it just right

Birdchaser said...

Last Wednesday my 9yr old had a little cough,a little fever & a headache, went to the doctor & tested positive for the china flu. Dr said to send him back to school Friday. Never asked about the shot & that was it. I think there is some bs going on.

wendyworn said...

for sure!

Steve said...

The bs is the amount of money the hospital will garner from the CMS. They get an extra $38,000 for every covid case.
And why are they treating with an "un-named drug"? I thought the patient and family needed to be apprised on every treatment?

wendyworn said...

The family is only appraised if they have some sort of power of attorney because of HIPPA is my understanding of the situation. Thieves.

Cederq said...

My Master's thesis was the "Coming Medical Tyranny." I wrote and submitted it in 1986. I saw the hand writing on the wall then, my timeline was by 2030 to 2040. I was off much like George Orwell. My thesis was not well received and was not going to be allowed to be submitted and published. Took a lawyer friend of my father to call and have a nice little chat with the Dean of the university. Insurance, corporate medicine and bean counter MBAs and government interference is driving this. Doctors are for the most part are going along to enjoy the perks and bonuses they are receiving. Nurses and medical support staff are being taught this in school. So, education is also to blame.

Cederq said...

Wendy, was your mother given remdesivir, a drug known to cause kidney failure? And without her consent?

Cederq said...

Wendy, read this:

wendyworn said...

My sisters don't know what the name of the drug is. Supposedly they gave her an angiogram and that was what shut her kidneys down. Good article - I know about remdisiver and already told my sister not to let them give her that and medizalam (not sure the spelling) I would probably be arrested if I was there because I would be making a scene.

Cederq said...

The contrasting dye used in an angiogram can effect the kidneys if she is found to be sensitive or allergic to the contrasting agent. A list of risks associated with this procedure:

allergic reactions to the local anesthetic, contrast dye, or sedative
bleeding, bruising, or soreness at the insertion site
blood clots
injury to an artery or vein
damage to the walls of the heart
acute kidney failure
irregular heartbeat
heart attack or stroke, though this is highly unlikely