Monday, September 26, 2022



So nothing of note happened over the weekend, despite all the “prophets of god” coming out of the wood works with their “I had a dream” stories. It happens every year around this time. Although this year is much crazier than most and I half expected something to happen. I was relieved that it was quiet for the most part.

So I made brownies. LOL.

Mom is still in the hospital, but is feeling better. I will keep you posted.

Keep prepping.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Those brownies look delicious! Better, warm brownies with a scoop of ice cream... What is up with the prophets of doom and bad ju ju? I tried to find out and couldn't pin point anything down. Glad your mom is doing better! Is she still a prisoner in the house of horrors?

wendyworn said...

yes she is still in that same hospital unfortunately. hope you are doing well cederq