Thursday, September 29, 2022

Who Did This? - Updated


I'm not qualified to speculate on this latest disaster. Wiser men than me have discussed who is behind it: here, here, here and here.

They have all made reasoned, well thought out arguments on who did this, all reaching different conclusions.

Was it the kings of the earth who have gathered themselves to war against God and His people? Was it the guys who have no kingdom but have given their power to the beast for one hour? We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Of course, my first instinct is to question the official narrative. Does this picture look fake to you?


Did those pipelines actually get sabotaged or are they just saying that? Is there any people that aren't “assets” that can drive their little fishing boats out there and double check to see if what they are saying is true? I mean, they are proven liars and fakers. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the whole thing is just literal propaganda.

I was thinking about this when I went to walk the dog last night. After months and months of ridiculously high temperatures, it was nice to be outside again. As is my habit, I looked up at the sky and was actually surprised by what I saw. It was a beautiful blue sky with no clouds and no chem-trails at all. I guess all the weather manipulators and sorcerers are busy wrecking havoc in Florida and have left Kansas alone for a day. If I hadn't opened my black mirror device and peered into it – I would be oblivious to what is being said about pipelines in far away countries. I could bask in the beauty of the day.

Regardless, what has been done -according to the news- has been done and won't be UN-done any time soon. This is bad and will have far reaching and yet unseen consequences for everyone.

The question still remains. Who did this?

The enemy has done this.

Continue to prep while you can. Water, food, gas – whatever you may need for the upcoming winter. But mostly pray, that the actions of the adversary will not affect you. Take care out there. 

UPDATE -  So ironic that the first site I go to after posting this is this one:

Forget the blame game, Nordstream Sabotage is about the Great Reset & nothing else.

Yep - I'm not the only one seeing it this way. 


Cederq said...

It is difficult to discern what is a truth, what is a lie and who the players are. Government's operative word is obfuscation, doesn't matter which government and by extension NGOs and private actors that influence and direct thought and culture. So tired of it all.

wendyworn said...

I'm tired of it too

wendyworn said...

This is justin_o_guys comment that was posted on the wrong blog post:

I don't know. I'm reading and hunting for something that stands head and shoulders above the other potential answers. Since IDK hoot about methane and how it can be tricky, this is another possibility. But how do you get water in a pipeline with higher pressure in the pipeline than the water pressure at that depth?
They Would have the internal pressure higher than the water pressure On the pipeline, wouldn't they?

wendyworn said...

I think that link is really worth consideration. It could just be an unfortunate accident. The timing of said accident is highly suspect - but not outside of the realm of possibility. Thank you for the comment Justin.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I see what I think are holes in that explanation.

wendyworn said...
