Saturday, September 24, 2022

Not Sure I'm buying this story

Now I've seen this picture around for a week. I have always had a problem with it due mainly to the fact of how white the kids teeth are. They are whiter than his hoodie, and if you have worn braces or know someone who has worn braces, it is hard to get your teeth that white. Also, what is with the hair? So I decided to look a little closer.

Here is some links to various takes on the story: here, here and here. It occurred on Sept. 18, the victim was 18 and strangely the funeral homes website has not been updated since 2018. The top link for obituaries has been updated to 2022, but the bottom link hasn't.

Whenever they list three names for the perpetrators that is always suspect. Although his name is listed as Shannon Joseph Brandt in all the stories, this story from the Canyon News has a picture of the perp with the name Stephen Joseph Brandt. I actually found a yearbook picture from 2008 of a Timothy Joe Brandt – but I can't be sure if they are the same guy.

Then I found this picture:


Doesn't it look like one of these things is not like the others? But this kid is clearly making the devil horn's sign and the red yarn around his wrist shows that he practices Kabbalah, which is a J ewish Mysticism that is very similar to witchcraft and satanism. So make of it what you will. I just think this is another one of those stories designed to piss off one side of the left/right paradigm.

Of course there is the go fund me page – used for money laundering and paying crisis actors.

I've spent waaaaay too much time researching this. Gotta get some chores done.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

The "vic" and the devil horn/kabbalah dude sure looks like the same nose... I too thought this was a strange story, it didn't click for me. If the mother knew who the Brandt fellow was, I am sure there is far something more hideous or sinister, even simpler the story portends, family jealousy, dysfunction... I couldn't get the GoFund page to load, taken down already? Interesting.

wendyworn said...

yeah - something is off about this. I do think the vic and the devil horn guy are the same guy - just not sure about the rest of it

Justin_O_Guy said...

You folks are smarter than I am. I totally bought it. And I shared it on a forum. There is a guy on it who is forever rubbing my nose in me getting snookerd. So far, he has not said anything about it being bs. And he said he saw it on the news.
But now I don't know what to think
The only thing that really bothered me was
What did that kid do? Run straight down the middle of the road? Seriously, you aren't supposed to run where cars can easily go.

wendyworn said...

we aren't smarter than you Justin. Just have looked at these deceptions a little longer and they always use the same tricks. After you know the tricks they are easy to see. Here is a good link for you:

Justin_O_Guy said...

Well, IDK what to say. Pretty bizarre. Good Grief whadda screwed up world.

wendyworn said...

yes - the great deceiver at work

Cederq said...

Justin, being a military cop and a nurse(psych) for quite awhile, you learn the tells and inconsistencies and general BS that people use, doesn't matter if it is the pResident or a soccer mom or a homeless person. It is all the same, watch body language, voice and grammar selection and the eyes and where they place them or look. Classic tattle tells.