Friday, August 11, 2023

Act Whores Crying Wolf

For a while now, a lot of blogs and websites that I visit on a daily basis were posting Gonzalo Lira's videos for his commentary on what is going on in Ukraine etc. I would usually save them and listen to them later while I was working. To be honest, I rarely finished one of his videos because I thought he was an obvious liar.

Then there was news everywhere that he was missing and that he had been arrested for making “truther” videos. But they let him out without a scratch and he made a series of videos about how he was going to try to crash the border and escape.

Parts one and two are here – but the meat is in this video:

Next we have Karen Kingston. Now granted I actually thought she was credible at first. I watched her videos and read her substack. I remember her being on Stew Peters, back when I believed he could be legit. But now she has come out with this video (here). Sorry I cannot embed the video. She is looking disheveled and saying that they are trying to poison her and that the CIA is trying to kill her and she is begging RFK Jr of all people to help her. And why are they trying to kill her? Because she told just a little too much truth.

I could be completely wrong here – but I'm not buying either one of their sob stories. The premise of the MINDWAR we are in is to defeat the target population with the truth. Since there are far more actual truth tellers out there (and more waking up every day) they cannot possibly get to all of us. So the plan is to raise up someone that tells the truth and then openly take them down. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. It's all part of the same psy-op.

I think we will see more and more of this type of thing in the future.

Have a good weekend – See you on Sunday.


Cederq said...

Why I don't listen to 99.8% of them, if I can't keep an open mind and able to listen carefully and be engaged instead of wondering is this a psych op, or controlled opposition? What is her/him motivation or expertise/knowledge or just a air-talking head? You can't enjoy and listen objectively to their message, especially if they just come out of the woodwork like roaches and have never heard of them before, kinda like the 5 minute fame. Most of the bigger ones I have listened to in the past have contradicted themselves and obfuscate the material they are presenting.

wendyworn said...

they always give themselves away. I'm getting faster at spotting them.

Cederq said...

Getting you some wisdom and discernment Huh? That is good, be an angel, but know the ways of the snake...

wendyworn said...
