Friday, August 25, 2023

The Latest Thing

Side note: I took yesterday off with the excuse to myself that lots of people go a day without posting. Lol – busted. But it was very sweet that someone was concerned about me considering what I have been going through so I knew I had to do a post today. Thank you internet friend for the email.

One of the reasons I didn't want to post is because out of all the headlines lately that make my blood boil this one has put me a little over the top. Mainly, it just tells me that nothing is real anymore – everything is controlled. Also a LOT of people really like it and are talking it up. People I respect and read their blogs on a daily basis. It has actually become a serious hot button topic. I was kind of hoping if I waited it out – it would just go away. Nope.

I mean seriously?! Number One on the Billboard charts? That was fast! How does that even happen? Cuz, here's the thing. No regular person like you and me comes out of nowhere and a week later has a number one hit single on the Billboard charts. This isn't the 70's. It just doesn't happen nowadays.

Arthur Sido over at Dissident Thoughts wrote a post over a week ago saying we should exercise caution about this guy.

Proceed With Caution

I was literally the first to comment on that post, so this is not a new position for me.

But the real problem I have with the song is – I think it sucks. I have yet to make it all the way through the song before I shut it off – usually saying, “This is garbage.” as I do it. I have given it way more chances than I normally would because everyone was raving about it. I said, Hhmmm. Maybe I should give it another chance. It starts out ok but when he gets to the part when he sings five foot three – I've had enough. I don't know what he says after that.

People still don't understand the reality of our situation. We are in a completely controlled environment. NO ONE and I mean no one gets on TV or elected or FFS number one on the billboard charts, without selling their soul to the enemy. He even admits he sold his soul in the very first line of the song.

Arthur wrote a follow up post here. Miles Mathis has an interesting take here. Vox Day as well.

You need to be extremely skeptical these days because every single thing is a psy-op or a major deception, if not a flat out lie. Especially if they suddenly go viral, when most things are being censored out of existence.

Have a good weekend, See you on Sunday.


Cederq said...

It's all part of the agenda pushing, a classic old school psych-op, get the other side riled up with a song, a speech, a quirky/snappy jingle and you have modified his behavior and you keep doing that and you receive the response you are programming for. They want a civil war, they want us out front and center to either kill us, or place in a re-education camp to neuter you to be a good, little useful semi/commie to exploit, work the rice fields, till that hoe until with mass starvation and weakness you succumb and they get some production from you and then fertilizer and not have to waste a bullet.

That is not what they are going to get, but hey, an idiot can dream eh?

wendyworn said...

You are absolutely correct. they are not going to get it because we are on to them. their fake stuff is falling apart faster than they can try to crush it. the enemy knows his time is short. getting shorter every day.

Cederq said...

Wendy(L) look upon my blog for a yube-tube vid that caught my eye

wendyworn said...

be right there!

wendyworn said...

I left you a comment. God, I'm beginning to hate this guy.