Thursday, November 2, 2023

Moisturized?! Seriously?

What. The hell. Is going on with these weird memes popping up everywhere? Whenever I see something over and over again, where ever I go on the internet, I start to question where it came from and what it is supposed to mean. The pictures change and the words are slightly different, but this meme is all over the place. Due to the fact that we are in a highly manipulated world-wide psychological war, I look at this ridiculous meme and think - what would be the enemies purpose in a meme like this?

The very first time I saw it, I thought it was totally stupid. It doesn't even make any sense. But yet, it kept showing up on all the websites I frequent, most recently on Western Rifle Shooters Association's site. Now, I'm not knocking Concerned American who runs that site. I love that guy and go there multiple times a day. I also listen to his podcasts and have a lot of respect for him. He's a patriot, a very knowledgeable and well trained gun owner, and understands a lot about what's going on in our country. He's basically an alpha male.

Do you think he's the kind of guy who would brag about being moisturized? Yeah, I don't think so either, but for some reason the meme above or similar ones, keep getting posted on his site.

It's not his fault really. Everyone who posts this meme is being played and don't even know it. It's similar to the Oliver Anthony phenomenon. He comes out of nowhere, singing a crappy song and everyone is posting his videos on their blogs – claiming, “he's one of us”! Come to find out, he is not one of us but a completely manufactured tool - the real purpose of which I have yet to figure out. I notice we don't hear much about Oliver these days. Maybe just a distraction.

This is the original meme that sparked it all. An ugly, fat guy (they are calling him Pond Sage) sitting in a pond stating he is moisturized. I mean, ewwww.

So let's move the words around and give the meanings

I'm HAPPY (because I own nothing) and FOCUSED (like a cat with a laser pointer) on staying IN MY LANE (keeping my mouth shut and complying) FLOURISHING (like a flower blooming) because I'm MOISTURIZED (as in lubed up? Ewwww again. I don't really know.)

Anyway, not necessarily the image the alphas should be promoting.

Just calling it how I see it. The enemy sees us all as Pond Sages. It's an inside joke for them.

So Fake and Gay.

Take care out there.



Don't mind me. said...

I'm glad you brought this up. I've been trying to understand the meme for weeks and still don't.
I saw an interesting comment the other day along the lines of "there is so much information for our minds to devour all day every day, that we have reached a kind of peak absorbtion, where we now read things but don't spend the time to actually try to understand it, so it has made us all dumber"
True. If we had more time to process and analyse the things that were going on, our society would be a better place. Instead, everyone jabbers sound bites all day long because they don't understand what it is they're talking about.

wendyworn said...

It reminds me of back in the 90's when people put mattresses or toilet seats in an art gallery and claimed it was "found" ART instead of the actual garbage it was. Modern Art is a complete CIA creation. Is it to make us dumber? Maybe. As a whole we are definitely more stupid. I think we now have to question everything.

Cederq said...

I even question you Wendy, and especially Don't mind me, you guys could be plants, I could be a plant. I have publicly stated I was a behavioral therapist. I wented to scool and learned it good... I too have pondered the meaning. One of our tools was having a patient write and didn't matter much of what they wrote, it was word usage, syntax/grammar to some extent and subject matter we were interested in. That gave us clues to work with.

This meme has a meaning, yet, the context hasn't revealed itself and that is telling. I don't see triggering words except to soak in Calgon and have it take me away... Nothing I can detect in the phrasing is trigging, except to a .gov wind up toys maybe. The images, have been odd, like this one, a man riding a zebra. I know from reading zebras are not suitable to being broke to ride and accept a saddle or bridle. I don't know Wendy(L) what it means. my suggestion is wait for a context to present and able to allow us to understand what the hell it means, so far it is psychotic word gibberish.

wendyworn said...

Are you sure it has a meaning? How long do we have to wait for the great reveal on that one? an hour? weeks? no I think you nailed it with the psychotic word gibberish. If I'm a plant - hope it's tomato.

Don't mind me. said...

Maybe the meme is supposed to be used as code language in the future when we are all surveilled 24/7/365.
Think like Ray Bradbury.
Maybe there's a crack team of Fedbois sitting around today like us asking the same thing.

What a time to be alive!

MrHappy said...

I too have been seeing this meme and wondering WTF. Maybe Cederq is correct in saying the memes meaning may became clear in the future. But till then I'll ignore it.

Anonymous said...

The one with the cast (Patrick Swayze, front and center) from the original "Red Dawn" movie was interesting.
Perhaps a warning of what is coming? Or, just a group of different memesters, having fun at the expense of a bunch of too uptight people; exhausted by the bullying and BS from our neo-fascists government.
Bear in Indy

wendyworn said...

yes anon, I definitely think someone is messing with us.

Steve the Engineer said...

It occurred to me that this could be a meme about normalcy bias. Similar to the cartoon dog with eyes looking in different directions in a room that is on fire, and the caption is "This is fine".

wendyworn said...

Maybe Steve, but now when I see it, it really creeps me out. Especially the latest one on WRSA. check it out. maybe that's the reveal.

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly, the "moisturized" meme started on Insta. It was originally for younger influencers. It has since been stolen and repurposed to throw flak.

My take on the current thing. I may be totally full of shit. Or not. Dont know.


wendyworn said...

thanks tom!

Johno said...

Miss Wendyworn, re a couple of the ‘plants’ visiting your blog, I suggest that you try glyphosate (Bayer needs the money) or some other weedkiller. If you want, I’ll supply a recipe for a non-toxic natural herbicide.
I’ve been suss about that meme also, although a couple of the images used are more relevant to the problems facing the Western world than others, perhaps I’m just too dense to decipher what it all means?