Friday, November 3, 2023

Week in Review

I'm kind of excited about today. I gave myself a manicure yesterday in preparation for applying in person for a couple of office jobs in town. I plan on just being myself.

Well...not totally myself. I need to stress my 30 plus years of experience working in an office including, payroll, human resources and executive assistant and hide the fact that I believe everything we are told is a lie, up to and including the shape of the earth and that the governments of the world are trying to kill us all. It's a fine line really. (Haha)

Some good things happened this week. The traitor Pence dropped out of the running for President:

Pious Pence Quits Race

Why that guy ever thought he had a chance after selling us all out is beyond me. But as I read in a comment somewhere, maybe it was a part of a humiliation ritual for his masters. Watch for him sporting a black eye soon.

Here are some other links I read this week that I thought were excellent:

Project For A New War On Terror

Apocalypse is Cancelled

Regulation Schmegulation.

1st Humanoid Robot Factory in the U.S. can Crank out 10,000 Robots per year

Sailboat Thoughts: Spring Will Come Again

Please pray for me today. Hope you all are well. Have a great weekend. See you on Sunday.

Take care out there.

P.S. - dont forget to set your clocks back. Its daylight savings time again.



clayusmcret said...

Good luck at your interviews. You got this.

wendyworn said...

Thank you!

Cederq said...

May I lend a finger? I have had my fingers and hand in many orifices' and then some, one more won't matter. Ahh, clown world, where do we begin and where/whom do we terminate? Solid questions. I am looking forward to robots. Mainly how to screw with them and throw a wrench in their monkey. You know AI is going to be a feature of robots, throw out Asimov's Three Laws for 'bots... Why can't we have nice things? Wef'ers don't want us to have any nice things. You have a nice weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't do, so that leaves you wide open. I have a semi-bright idea, split the difference between spring forward/slide back and just set our clocks a 1/2 ahead and call it good.

wendyworn said...

I don't know Cederq. That whole fingers in orifices thing sounds kinda suspicious...

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Good luck Wendy, may the right job find you

wendyworn said...

thank you bear claw!

Cederq said...

I still have a finger available for that nose.

wendyworn said...

lol gross