Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Welcome to the 5th Generation Psy War

From Truthstream Media:


Cederq said...

Damn scary stuff. In my education, experience, this is and was an inevitable conclusion to all the early work we did in behavioral therapy and science. We thought we were bringing healing and normalcy to people. Ends up we were furthering an agenda and a solution to enslave and prison us without walls.

wendyworn said...

that is why there is so much compartmentalization. the people who are working on part of it think it will be used for good. the same technology that could cure cancer is being used to cause cancer. sad. in the end it will all be exposed. hopefully in our lifetime.

Don't mind me. said...

Thanks for the linky.
Good stuff! It's actually worse than what she says.

wendyworn said...

yes it is

Anonymous said...

Very good. Very good indeed.
There are lots of Books, Publications, White Papers on the subject(s).

Don’t be afraid, chase the links… the Information and download the Education.
We all have a Path Address in Utah already.
Poke’em, right in there five eyes.

wendyworn said...

I know Max Igan. I literally have that same video open on another tab right now. I'm halfway through listening to it. great minds think alike! but thank you for the link. ps - I love Aussies!

wendyworn said...

Excellent comment xoph. There are rumors of an agenda to make all the people hate their governments so some "hero" group can come in and save us all. That group will come in - arrest all the perps and then release all the hidden technology for curing cancer and free energy etc. But like the series V - they will be the enemy worse than what we had before.