Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Could They Be Bluffing? - Part Two

So this is an interesting twist. I guess the Liberty Loft has the story here:

'This is not doctored': See IRS recruit 'Police Academy'-style armed agents

Now I had actually never heard of the Liberty Loft before this story, so I don't know what kind of website it is. Apparently, it was the Republican Congressmen from Kentucky, Thomas Massie who tweeted a couple of videos about the “real” IRS training program going on. I had never heard of him either. Not sure if he is “our” guy or not.

I have posted the original video of the training at the end of this blog, because it's really funny if this is real. Then they are bluffing. I feel sorry for those kids the day they go to Mr. Militia's house with his hidden arsenal and try to arrest him for tax evasion. That would be quite the wake up call.

But, there are some strange things going on with this story. The original video was posted to You Tube on April 1st of this year. April Fool's Day. Long before they passed this bill, but they do script these things out months in advance.

Rep Massie's Twitter account says he is the co-Chair of the 2A caucus, but then says he is the greenest member of congress. Is that green as in newest member, or green as in Green New Deal?

I'm not sure what to think about this. Is it a Sun Tzu – Art of War – appear weak when you are strong kind of thing? Because, we are at war, which they declared when they passed this recent bill. Then again, how many of us are actually looking at things this closely?

Leaves me with more questions than answers, or maybe I am just over thinking things? It's just hard to know these days. Take care out there.




Cederq said...

I watched the video on another web site and I saw so many mishandling of even fake firearms and really, a guy in a wheelchair is gonna do a tactical breach or even an arrest of someone? If this was a training evolution there are gonna 87,000 dead irs agents. This has to be an April Fools charade...

wendyworn said...

yeah - something weird is going on. besides, its not like don't just steal the money right out of your paychecks anyway. then you have to ask them politely to get some of it back. crooks the whole lot of them.

wendyworn said...

Excellent comment JL! It will be interesting to see what happens in the future.