Friday, August 19, 2022

How to Fake a Nuclear War

Soften up the public with commercials on what to do in the event of a nuclear bomb. Have all news media link to the commercials and have pundits and commentators asking, “why are they putting this out now?” The more ridiculous the commercials, the better, because the public is stupid.

Have major heads of state talk about the possibility that a nuclear exchange is on the table – Russia, China, Ukraine, America. Broadcast this everywhere.

Shut down the internet and electrical grid for 24 hours. Use the Emergency Broadcast System to send Red Alerts to every cell phone stating that nuclear weapons have been deployed. Make it a really scary message to instill as much panic as possible.

Use directed energy weapons on pre-selected targets especially if they are already half-destroyed by previous unchecked rioting and looting. Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, Moscow, Shanghai, Kiev or Kyve or however we are spelling it these days. Add a couple more in fly-over country just for fun. Dallas maybe?

Turn on the internet and electrical grid. Have 24/7 media coverage of mushroom clouds and non-stop news on fall-out, death-tolls and various destruction to landmarks. Use aerosol spraying over the areas so that any people who go out in those areas will get chemical burns and “radiation poisoning”

Have FEMA camps staffed and ready to go. Invite the public to come get free food and vaccine protections against fall-out and long term side effects of nuclear dust and protection against the coming nuclear winter.

Introduce a global governance board and new digital currency so that this NEVER happens again.

Easy Peasy.



Cederq said...

Damn Wendy, You don't paint a rosy-going-forward picture! I too have envisioned a similar situation, though not horrific as yours. I may to my damnation am a little more optimistic as to the outcome. I am not naive, just hopeful I suppose. They need a catastrophe of their making to do the final instillation of their utopia to win over hearts and minds, I hope it is the final trigger so Right Minded, God Fearing men raise up and be Christian Warriors and being Old Testament smite the hell out hell out of them and cast them out. It is always the rough men that God uses as His vengeance.

wendyworn said...

I'm not saying they are going to do this. Just don't like the current rhetoric either. Hopefully, it wont come to this.

Anonymous said...

Great post, haven’t seen anyone looking at this angle. Although I have heard ‘they’ have been considering a real nuclear event to blame for all the jab related deaths and population drop numbers. And to radically shift convo away from jab injuries. But you raise a good point, why not just have a fake event that achieves the same goal? Food for thought.

wendyworn said...

thank you! they are already masters of faking stuff. im sure they have already gamed it out at some level. don't believe it if they say it happened.