Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tomatoes? Make it Stop!


Even as the CDC is trying to walk back all proof that they are responsible and willingly pushed the vaccine program, they are still coming up with ridiculously named variants.

So now they are saying there is a tomato flu going around. They justify the name by saying that little kids are getting sores that look like tomatoes. Uh-huh. Looks suspiciously like chickenpox to me. I guess we would need to settle the age-old question – is the tomato a fruit or a vegetable – before we can predict what the next bs variant will be after this.

And while we are on the subject – I was happy to hear that douche bag Fauci has given his resignation. Then I thought about it and got angry. Why does he get to escape so easily? Is he really going to get away with his egregious crimes against humanity? The guy needs to be arrested, tried and executed for the deaths, sterilization, and maiming of millions of people! Instead he is just going to quit, go home, lie on his bed and roll around on the huge piles of money he made from his investments in pharmaceutical companies.

Then there is scarf lady Brix who admits in her recent book – that yeah, they knew it was dangerous and would probably kill people but they did it anyway – as she giggles all the way to the bank. Will she get away with it too?

Where are the enforcers? Where are the people that arrest obvious genocidal murderers these days? Are there no honest law enforcement anywhere?

Oh that is right – they are going around busting little girls for their lemonade stands and arresting 4 YEAR OLDS for not wearing masks. The world coup is complete. Evil is Good and Good is Evil. It boggles the mind.


Cederq said...

Vengeance is mine sayth the Lord, He uses those that have been hurt and maimed to exact his vengeance. You are going to see men hardening up and fulfill their Righteous violence against such men and women, these evil manifestation will be torn apart, all they have will be burnt and destroyed, it will extend to wives and children as they profited from evil men and women and did nothing but bask in the riches. Wendy, I see men and women hardening up around me, it is not a simple decision and the sword needs to be cast and honed.

wendyworn said...

Thank you for saying that. I agree.

Cederq said...

I had a thought, if we "catch" this variant, does our face and body erupt with cherry tomato shaped pustular sores?

wendyworn said...

I was thinking we just throw tomatoes at the people pushing these ridiculous stories for starters...lol

Cederq said...

Wendy, that works for me, can we add rotten eggs and cabbage?

wendyworn said...


Justin_O_Guy said...

I'm just a crippled up old man who has not personally suffered loss of friends or family, but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of strong, healthy young people who Have. The Suspect list would be so long they would never figure it out. America has veterans who must surely be very unhappy about the way the country they went and sacrificed for is doing things and how completely unaccountable people are. I'm really surprised that we haven't seen any vigilante payback. I'm not trying to get anyone to Do something, I'm just surprised nobody has.

wendyworn said...

a lot of us feel that way