Monday, September 12, 2022

Tin Foil Packet Cooking


Because I lack serious time during the week, I usually do most of my meal prep on the weekends and have things ready to go into the oven for dinners and lunches. The easiest of all was when I discovered making up pre packaged meals in tin foil that all I have to do is pop in the oven and out comes a yummy meal. I'm posting a couple links to get you started:

Chicken Foil Packets

Potato & Sausage Packets

You can use virtually any kind of meat or veggies and it can be cooked over an open campfire, should you have no other option.

If you use the oven, it is 375 degrees for 20-30 minutes. I think the secret is a big dollop of butter and a squirt of lemon or lime juices. Fresh herbs are best, but a couple shakens of Mrs. Dash or Italian seasonings and a little salt and pepper works just as well. 

Gotta go to work - Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Wendy, that does look good and easy to make! Easy to store in the freezer too. Can you reuse the foil?

wendyworn said...

I suppose you could re-use the foil if you wiped it off really good. So far every combo I have made has been very tasty. I make up 4 packets at a time and they are great for 2 days of lunches for me and my husband.

wendyworn said...

you are welcome! it has been a life saver for me - plus the fact it can be cooked over an open campfire or on the grill makes it a good survivalist meal.