Saturday, November 19, 2022

13 degrees below

It is currently 13 degrees below freezing. It has dropped 3 degrees since I got up half an hour ago. I am up in the middle of the night again – mainly because it was SO COLD in the bedroom, and despite 5 blankets, I was shivering. At least where I sit by the computer, I am directly below the thermostat and can just reach up and turn it up a notch if needed.

I know it is sacrilegious, and I will probably lose some followers for this, but I broke down and bought some instant coffee. It was either that or buy an electric percolator for $50 and I didn't want to spend the money. I'm not willing to buy another crappy coffee maker just to have it break down in six months and I still have the regular percolator should I want to take the time to brew a decent cup.

What's worse is – its generic instant coffee. * shrugs * so sue me. It's just a vehicle to get the caffeine into my veins as far as I'm concerned.

I have been very diligent about making sure that the water is trickling before I go to bed, but when I got up there was no water. Don't know if I forgot to check it before I went to sleep or if it is worse than that. I guess I will find out when it warms up a little.

Anyway – that's all for now. Keep prepping and praying.

Take care out there.



Justin_O_Guy said...

If it gets cold enough even dropping water freezes.
Electric percolator, or stovetop, I'd guess they are pretty much the same hassle. I've only ever had stovetop, and stovetop means
The stove is on,, sounds like you might like that.
I'm not judging you for drinking generic instant coffee. Sometimes life tosses us challenges and we have to adapt and overcome.
I hope you can hold the line on compromise. It's troubling that you've been pushed this far. You aren't There yet, but you can See it from there, you keep going down the road of such compromise and you might slip further toward outright moral depravity. Good God,Woman! You might vote Democrat one day!
Generic Instant Coffee,, the downfall of a good woman.

wendyworn said...

You are so funny. Don't worry, I may have compromised on quality coffee but there is no way I'm voting democrat.

Cederq said...

Ahhh! You may not vote democrat, but democrats vote for you... You may be a democrat and not know it. Even I have had to suffer the indignity of instant coffee a time or two. It is not a reflection on your honor or virtue, your womanhood. I believe you are still a good woman at heart, would you hold that against me?

Cold, now isn't fun? I remember battling freezing temperatures and waging constant warfare in insulating and placing space heaters in the most deepest spots of the trailer to unfreeze lines. Do you open up cabinets and use plastic on your windows? Can you skirt around the bottom of the MH, even with tarps to keep out cold air from flowing underneath? What's worse is the black tank freezing up... can you use the park bathroom?

I have had the same cheap, plastic coffee maker for almost twenty years and it only has an on/off switch and it is still perking along. Do you mud wrestle your coffee pot? I have heard of people like you going through coffee makers every couple of years, I think ya'll use them for target practice or as a football..

wendyworn said...

The water seems to be flowing again, I'm not seeing any actual damage so that is good. I am parked close to the parks bathrooms, should I have to use them. I bought a big roll of cheap plastic bags to put on the windows, but winter snuck up on me before I was able to get them up. Maybe I will have a chance to work on that during the Thanksgiving holidays.