Monday, November 21, 2022

Thanksgiving Week

It is significantly warmer this morning than it has been (31 degrees) which really helps my general motivation. It is a short week due to the holidays and my boss will not be in today so work should go good.

I have not been feeling well lately, but I am claiming the promises of God: By His Stripes we are Healed and No weapon forged against you (which includes electronic and technological) shall prosper. Just remembering that there are promises we can cling to makes me feel better.

My mom has been released from the hospital to go home. She is now on hospice. I talked to her on the phone on Saturday and she sounded good. They took out my parents king size bed and moved in a hospital bed for her and a smaller bed for my dad so they are still in the same bedroom. I talked to my sister yesterday and she said that mom actually got dressed, got in the wheelchair and went down to the dining room for brunch with some of my aunts and uncles, so she is doing really well considering.

I read a great post from Gary Barnett yesterday:

The Universal War Against Mankind: Extreme Domestic Terrorism Has Taken Control Over America and the World

Keep prepping and praying!

Take care out there!

1 comment:

Cederq said...

Evil as you know has been with us forever. Men, evil men have always lusted for power, money, prestige and control. Evil is willing and has patience, patience to work the long game. They needed certain conditions meet to accomplish their goal. For they do learn from their previous mistakes and attempts at a new world order, you think this is the first attempt at a world order? Evil knows no bounds, no truth it can't subvert. These men and women are Satan incarnate, they lust for what good, righteous men have, peace and love, given to us by That Who Loves Us.

I am glad your mother is out of the hospital, hospice? Is she terminal?
So, you are a bear, hibernates when it is cold? What do you have as to why you are not feeling better?