Friday, November 25, 2022

Remembering my mother's roses


My husband and I had finished our simple Thanksgiving dinner yesterday when my sister called. Mom was gone. I found out later that everyone back home had finished eating and mom had just lain down to take a nap. She passed away quietly in her sleep. She fought a long, hard battle and her tiny body just couldn't fight any more. We will all miss her greatly. 

I called my dad later that day to find out how he was doing. He said he was doing OK. My sister was going to spend the night at his house and then they will drive down to the funeral home to start making arrangements. He had been married to my mom for 60 years and still referred to her as his "bride".

I was reminded this morning of my mom's roses (pictured above) even though they haven't lived in that house for a couple years. Thought it would be a nice tribute. Anyway - will take a couple days off blogging. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

My condolence with losing your mother. My heart grieves, it is very hard to let go of the woman that brought you into this world.

wendyworn said...

thank you