Sunday, November 27, 2022

Memorial and Glorifi Update

My little sister made a really nice memorial video of my mom. I didn't even know she had a you-tube channel! It was sweet and made me cry.

(Update on Glorifi:

So I guess Glorifi is out, regardless of little miss Candace's glowing endorsement. LOL. I guess no one was falling for it. Another scam bites the dust. Good Riddance.)

1 comment:

Cederq said...

A pretty lady and a robust handsome father I presume (L)Wendy? Life is too short and when you get older and start to appreciate and understand your parents are smart and enjoy their company they are ripped away. I miss both my parents, gone now almost sixteen years. I am sadden you won't be back to attend her funeral. Are you in any of the pictures?

The anti-woke link to Glorifi is behind a paywall, so I wan't able to watch it. But scams and nefarious plots may not echo, but they sure rhyme... All are in to remove your money from your wallet, with no apparent value.