Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Divide and Conquer: Homesteading Edition

So there was quite a bit of controversy in the online homesteading community this weekend. It started because Tractor Supply Company decided to get woke and support one of the “family-friendly” drag queen story hours. “Family-Friendly” is code for perverted and sick but bring your small children to it anyway.

Homesteading You-tube channel #1 broke the story encouraging people to boycott Tractor Supply. Homesteading You-tube channel #2 (not necessarily questioning #1's story) encouraged their followers to call the company themselves and find out if the story was true.

Thus began the rise of egos and emotions on both sides and implied and/or actual accusations of the other site being liars. I'm not linking to either channel because I don't want to fan the flames. Either you already know who I am talking about or you don't. I could go into more details, but it could happen to any you-tube channel and I have seen this sort of drama play out before.

Of course, mutual followers of both sites got on the comment sections to bad-mouth one site or the other and proudly announce that they had unsubscribed from “so and so's channel.” (you unsubscribed? Well, good for you – what are we 12 years old?)

Both channels profess to be Christian channels and both channels are actually bottom line on the same page as far as willingness to boycott Tractor Supply over the sexualization of our children. But now, where their was one community united in agreement on how far down our country has stooped if Tractor supply has been compromised – now there are two – with a possibility of a wedge that can't be healed. Really sad actually.

So the score?: The adversary:1 Homesteaders: 0


Cederq said...

I find it incredulous that TS would sponsor something like this, what with the demographic that shops there, white, conservative farmers, tradesmen, men with families. The TS store in Mitchell, SD where I shopped couldn't have been more white bread! The TS here locally to Myrtle Creek, OR I have not been in, but I am in Oregon, that should tell you something. As far the Christian groups at odds with each other, a good lesson on how the devil divides us. I went to TSs web page and could not find any reference to the story. With the pace companies are falling over each other to be "woke" so as not to bear being called racists or other words of liberals use would have understood that people see ya go woke, they stop shopping there, I know I do and it will effect their bottom lines.

wendyworn said...

it is sad - but i think most companies will compromise in the end.

Steve said...

Could this TS action be another step in the "Kings Fallen Brother..." scenario?

wendyworn said...

most likely Steve. I'm starting to believe that almost everything going on in the news and the alt news is part of the agenda. All roads lead to Rome - as they say