Saturday, November 5, 2022


I've been having some sleep issues lately. I fall asleep fast but wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.

It is 1am at the moment. I'm having some Bigelow's Chamomile and Lavender tea, affectionately named “Sleep”. It usually helps and tastes pretty good. Not really a tea fan.

Everything hurts at night. I don't understand how I can be in such pain and be numb at the same time. Of course I'm surrounded by wi-fi signals which I know is contributing. That and the change in the weather.

Don't really feel like blogging anymore. The news is a joke and not even worth calling them out for their lies and propaganda. The time for warnings is over. I mean, how many more times can you say prep and pray and don't take any shots? Everyone in the echo chambers I frequent are saying the same things. Now we are just giving each other the cliff notes of what is being done to us on a global scale and no one is stopping it.

Oh! Did they just slaughter another million egg-laying chickens because of “bird flu”? Oh. Ok. Another oil refinery just blew up for no reason? I see. Just another day in paradise.

I don't even want to touch the subjects of drag queen story hours and the horrific surgeries being performed in the name of turning all the children into transgenders. Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on these guys. While I selfishly thank the Lord I can still go to the store and be relatively unaffected by the crazy, I wonder how much longer this can go on and how much worse can it get?

Because it can get worse. Much, much worse.

Sorry to leave things on a negative note, but I have to go back to bed. Take care out there.



Steve said...

Well....welcome to the club. The wide awake at 1:30 in the morning club.
For myself I started using more vitamins and minerals. I have pain issues stemming from a 20+ year old motorcycle. The vits and mins seems to be helping. You could try melatonin. Magnesium seems to help somewhat. Vit D3 is another one. They also seem to help with depression. The politics are such that they can put anyone into depression.
Good luck and God bless.

wendyworn said...

Thank you Steve. Those are great suggestions

Justin_O_Guy said...

I, as I have said ,started Watching when they killed JFK. I read and paid attention, between running and being a dangerous to self guy. About three years ago I finally figured out that all of what I was keeping up with was getting me nowhere. I don't Know who is running the Federal Reserve! First time in so long. I have a buddy in Galveston and we Used to have long conversations about The Way things are. Now we talk about grandkids. Sure, we gotta keep a finger on the pulse of the world, and we're all tired of it. What a wonderful world it Could be, if only sociopaths weren't running it.
Sleep issues, yeah, when I was healthy enough to work all day, sleep was easy. Now, notsomuch, if you can find a golf tournament or maybe some long distance yacht racing, I Promise, sleep will come.

wendyworn said...


Cederq said...

Yup, brain is fried from doom porn, democrap porn, fed porn, msm porn, my brain can't take it anymore! I just shut it out, I ignore the porns and read about good things, daisies, horses, mules do gooder articles... doesn't mean I am naive, or uninformed, but damn, if you don't worry about your mental health ain't no one else is, psych wards, mental health therapists, they ain't worried about you, you are a cash cow, a paycheck and I was one, figure that out. It is a bigger psychological attack on us then the covid cough. It is designed to make some snap and commit horrible things so the democraps can screw the lid on tight and have total control over us. Why I liked your post yesterday, sitting under a porch of tin, sipping coffee, a beer with personal companionship and dogs lying about contented.

wendyworn said...

yeah - we definitely need more days like that

Cederq said...

Wendy, check out my vid I posted, EUSTACE MULLINS THE NEW WORLD ORDER, about an hour long. He saw it back 30 years ago and has been going on for thousands of years...

wendyworn said...

Thanks Cederq - I found it and will watch it after dinner. the more things change the more they stay the same. I have actually read some of eustace mullins books back in the day. Looking forward to watching it.