Sunday, November 13, 2022

On Faking Laryngitis and the No Talk Rule

When I was seven years old (maybe eight) I was very sick. I had a pretty bad case of Laryngitis. If I tried to say anything at all, it just came out as a raspy squeak. The doctors recommended that I didn't try to talk for a week or two. So I didn't talk.

I actually got a lot of attention from my friends and family from not talking, so when I started to feel better, I continued not talking even though I believed I could. I literally did not not speak for over six months. One day, alone in the bedroom, I decided to try to talk to see if I still could. My sister walked in and caught me and that was the end of that. Of course, my mom let me know that she liked me not talking because I was a lot less contrarian. Go figure.

In the book, “Games People Play”written by Eric Berne (1964), it talks about the No Talk Rule in the context of dysfunctional families as such:

“The don't talk rule ensures that no one acknowledges the real family problems. And when the root of the family's problems is denied, it can never be solved; health and healing aren't possible with this mindset.”

We have gone from dysfunctional families to a dysfunctional society. One of the problems of the No Talk Rule is, since we are not allowed to talk about it, some people are unaware that the rule even exists. Second, no one is told what it is we are not allowed to talk about.

We are here.

Of course, due to the extreme censorship going on in our society, we now know what it is we are not allowed to talk about. CV-19 et al, stolen elections, (((them))), to name a few. But now, it is not just the abusers at the highest levels enforcing the rules, but the general brainwashed public. Now if you attempt to discuss any one of numerous taboo subjects you will get your blog or channel or account taken down. People will literally scream in your face about how you are not allowed to talk about that.

As stated above, health and healing is not possible with that mindset. Literally, the only way is to break up with the abuser. End the relationship and walk away. Easier said than done when you are talking about society as a whole, and the government in particular.

Our God given rights and freedoms are still ours. That is worth defending. In the meantime, time to break up.



Cederq said...

As I have gotten wiser, and older, I tend to not engage with conversations with the majority of people. The majority are MPIA (most people are idiots) I am pleasant, I will wish them a good morn, afternoon or evening, I will thank them for a small courtesy. Most of the majority I just ignore, don't engage them. For the most part I have nothing in common, don't watch broadcast TV or sports, it is foolish to talk politics, religion and 'gasp' gossip... not interested with jr high school behavior.
It seems contra to my chosen profession, Having to listen to the same problems and difficulties people have that are fairly easy to remedy or fix, they would rather bilk the victim, pity me card. I enjoy quiet time, and close intimate conversation, but talking just for talking sake? I rather stay quiet.

Cederq said...

Wendy, take a peek at my blog this evening, you'll see it...

wendyworn said...

I'm pretty anti-social myself. Ok - heading over to the bustedknuckles now!