Tuesday, November 15, 2022


I came across some very interesting rabbit holes this morning. I've heard that this website are all shills. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Understand that the enemy is always several steps ahead of us and plans things out several years if not decades in advance. That is how we keep falling into their ever-changing, new and improved re-branded money pits.

There are a lot of us, who refused to take any unwanted medication (if you know what I mean) that also happen to love our country – or what is left of it. So we need to be doubly suspicious of getting sucked into groups that claim to be on our side, flying the red, white and blue, touted by “trusted voices”. Believe me when I say TRUST NO ONE.

For the sake of hiding from Al Gore Rhythms I have abbreviated the title of links but it is well worth going there and watching these very informative videos.

C Owens Brit ish Spy


(We have officially had the first snowfall of the season, so I guess winter is here. Looks like just a light dusting for a start. Brrrrr! Take care out there!)



Cederq said...

It is a very big club, we ain't in it, we ain't the required tribe and we don't suck what they are selling and we ain't gonna get rich.
I am not a joiner, never bought into the hype or the jingle. I saw through many ponzi schemes and get rich quick scams. I don't have a twitter or gab or spotify or faecesbook account. Bad enough I have a gmail account and use it sparely. I have found out I don't need much and happy with that. I got tired of "stuff" having to move it, having to use it and have no use for most of it. Moved into an apartment and I am ready now to move back into my trailer and get rid of "stuff" and be much happier! It is satisfying not having "stuff" owning you, it is liberating! (stuff= furniture, lawn equipment, knick knacks)

wendyworn said...

I'm the same way Cederq. Don't want it and don't need it. All my needs are met and i am thankful for that. I also like the nomad life when I can get it.

Cederq said...

"I also like the nomad life when I can get it." I got the itch bad Wendy to be back on the road! I like staying at a place for a short while and going to the local attractions and small museums and such then moving on to the next town or state and if they learn your first name where you are staying it is time to move on. I enjoy the secondary roads and make it a habit to stay off of the freeways and big cities.

wendyworn said...

agree 100%.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Dayumm,, how very disappointing. My brain is tired of everything. I can almost get on board with the
Let them run it. Let them burn it down folks.
I've had so much hope in that woman.
I didn't watch a video, it's just a Kindle and I can't hear it. Does it just look bad or is it damning? Biden laptop level of damning?

wendyworn said...

she is just one of the many enemies of the people. I was disappointed as well.

Cederq said...

Justin, I watched the videos and look at some other information about Candace and I have to agree with Wendy, she is a plant and controlled opposition. I have come to believe all of the so called conservatives are just conservative to their masters. I am always leery of those on TV, radio and newsprint spouting a view in favor or not in favor. If they are on TV, radio and print you know they are lying because their mouths are moving

wendyworn said...


Cederq said...

You are up late! Why ya'll ain't in bed?

wendyworn said...

cant sleep. having some coffee. you are up late too!