Sunday, November 13, 2022

Fake Food Fail

Beyond Meat Misses Estimates


No one wants to eat their fake meat. I'm hoping to continue to see these companies fail. Just because the elites want us to eat this garbage doesn't mean we are going to. 

Anyway - it has been very cold the last couple days. It was 17 degrees here this morning. It is 30 degrees now so hopefully it will get above freezing so I can get my shower in. Just working on stuff here and there. I have the next two days off but may not post anything unless something catches my eye. Got lots to do. 

Take care out there. 


Cederq said...

I have no idea why the rush to develop and market fake meat unless they think "Soylent Green" was an instruction manual instead of a future dystopian novel and movie... Nothing tastes like meat except meat. I don't care how much chemicals they add to try. Most chemicals they use are toxic and carcinogenic at high levels.

wendyworn said...

I don't know why either. yuck