Thursday, August 10, 2023

Islands are Death Traps

The red letter headline over at Drudge this morning is concerning the “wild” fires ripping through the island of Maui. Of course, they are claiming it is climate change that is causing it.

Looks more like the tell tale signs of directed energy weapons to me. The picture above was taken from drudge and shows the melted cars. Regular fires do not do that to cars.

As a reminder, here is a picture from the Paradise, California fire from a couple of years ago. The entire neighborhood is destroyed, yet most of the trees are still standing.

When I lived in Oregon, I was there when the deadly fires happened near Lincoln City. An entire mobile home park was obliterated and looked just like the Paradise fires. Yet, all the trees and the grass surrounding it were virtually untouched. Those people had no warning and most of them were poor. Overnight they lost everything, including their lives.

We were evacuated at the time, living only 2 or 3 miles from that mobile home park. The problem with living on an island is, there is no where to be evacuated to. No where to run. If you live on an island, it might be time to move inland. Although these days, unless you are under the protection of the Lord God Almighty, there is no safe places left to go.

It might be time to re-evaluate your bug out bags and make sure that your vehicles are gassed up and ready to go. Who knows what the next target will be.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

My brother and his wife owned about 2 acres over on the big island of Hawaii and had built a small cabin and then would eventually a house. I went over one summer for a month. After about a week I was ready to go back to the mainland. After you had traversed the island, and visited almost every city in that week, you saw it all. What did it for me was the almost daily warnings about lava flows from vents along side of the volcano. After another week I changed my flight and went home having suffered from island fever. It was a death trap, no where to go unless you had a boat big enough to head to the other islands or a plane. Lava coming, you abandon everything. They eventually sold their holdings as a proposed water line was held up indefinitely. Why people see living on an island anywhere where you are trapped.

wendyworn said...

yes. plus I keep thinking about sri lanka - they got screwed, although we haven't heard what is going on there lately

wendyworn said...

this is just horrible!

Peteforester said...

"The picture above was taken from drudge and shows the melted cars. Regular fires do not do that to cars." ...Actually, they will. I was in the Coast Guard, stationed in Alameda, CA when the Oakland Hills fire broke out. The crew of my ship was tasked with "erosion control" in the burn areas afterward. There were MANY cars whose engines and transmissions had melted, the molten aluminum having run down the gutters and solidified. The steel bodies didn't melt, but they did soften and collapse. That being said, I DO NOT think these fires just spontaneously happened. They were set. ...All a part of the plan...

wendyworn said...

thanks pete - we don't know if the oakland hills fires were dew. just saying.

Peteforester said...

The Oakland fire; I was driving south from my house on the old Hamilton AFB on the 101 when the fire erupted. It was windy as hell that day. I looked across the bay and saw wisp of smoke in the Oakland Hills, and said "Aw-shit." Within minutes the wind had whipped a reflash from an earlier fire sparked by a homeowner into the inferno it became. I understand your suspicions, but there was nothing weird here. I saw it happen...