Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sunday Music: Palette Cleanser

I was trying to think what music is the anti-thesis of fake hillbillies singing crappy songs that somehow make it to number one on the billboard charts. Strangely, Rush came to mind. It had been a long time since I heard them. After listening to several of their songs, I decided to go with it.

Just a little palette cleanser for your ears. Enjoy!



wendyworn said...

Lol! I just realized it is only saturday! oh well, it will just stay up

Justin_O_Guy said...

Sorry to jump in with a comment about a different post, I just don't know if I put it in the right one if you would see it. Regarding that recent singer, who materialized out of nowhere..
An excerpt

Oliver Anthony is now pushing back on Republicans’ over-the-top embrace of his folksy country ballad, saying he “wrote that song about those people” and it is “aggravating seeing people on conservative news trying to identify with me like I’m one of them.”

Wendy, I thought you would want to see this. I hit Cederq up every day, but it isn't a site I can just go to. I just wind up there by hitting the sidebar on Feral Irishman. He might want to see it, IDK.

Now, back to the much more pleasant experience Wendy has for us today.

wendyworn said...

very interesting Justin - thanks for letting me know. I don't know what is up with this guy. now he doesn't want to associate with the people that basically put him there? whatever. I think he is just there to further divide the conservatives into pro-oliver and anti-oliver. I'm so sick of all of it. hopefully he just goes away soon

Cederq said...

Justin, I don't understand your statement, about "I hit Cederq up everyday, but it isn't a site I can just go to." I checked your avatar on the dashboard and you have never commented there under your avatar, What do you mean? The site is

Cederq said...

I thought I was on an episode of the Twilight Zone when I saw your post... My face was screwed up in amazement. Good choice for a cleansing palate after the bad crap music shoved down our gullet. When I first heard his song, I thought it was a parody song, it was that strange, something was off, now I know it is off. When I lived in Alabama I took the opportunity to attend good Bluegrass and Appalachia music festivals and none of them hit the Top 10 and were better then red-neckbeard played and sang.

Cederq said...

Wendy(L) check out Virtual Mirage site, his take on the red-neckbeard:

wendyworn said...

i will cederq

Justin_O_Guy said...

I read your stuff. I'm not sure what I ever said. Your name is certainly something I've seen. I don't really pay attention, maybe I've just commented where you did. If you would drop a link to your little piece of the innerweb, I'd like to drop in and flag it in my favorites.
If that isn't considered good etiquette,

justinoguy54@gmail com

wendyworn said...

Justin - cederq's blog is

Craig said...

Great musical selection. I have always been a Rush fan.

Cederq said...

Are you gonna still do a Sunday Music? Asking for a weird friend...

wendyworn said...

I wasn't planning on it - but maybe I should for your weird friend.