Thursday, November 9, 2023

Oh Please

Ok. I'm calling B.S on this 77 year old white guy shooting two eco-protestors (POC) story. See fake footage below:

There are only a handful of people who are supposedly blocking the road and before the old man pulls a gun, no one is in his face confronting him, which usually happens at these kind of events. There is no obvious reason for this guy to pull a gun out and start waving it around.

There are three umbrella's pictured in the footage, two are white and one is red. This is a spell. A ritual is being played out in front of everyone. Here is a great article on umbrella symbolism:

From JFK to George Floyd Protests: The Imagery of the UMBRELLA

(from the site above – do you know that both Umbrella and Fake News have the same gematria of 84. Interesting to say the least.)

At 1:03 in the footage above, it states that the gunman proceeds to shoot two people and you hear screams. At no time do you see this man shoot people or hear gunfire. The man in the red shirt is the director (and a very crappy one at that.)

No one is acting how people would really react to an actual shooting, they are just wandering around.

Shill Central – oops I mean Gateway Pundit has a different video posted on this article – which I unfortunately can't embed here.

American Lawyer in Panama Pulls Gun on Climate Protesters Blocking Highway, Shoots Two of Them Dead (VIDEO)

If you go to the 1:44 mark on Gateway Pundit's video you can literally see the man with the red shirt tell one of the victims to lay down. Then he throws his hand up in the air (possibly at the bad acting). That is NOT how someone would act with a real shooting.

We even have some Coca-Cola product placement in this video. Nice. There are no visible license plates on any of the cars. This guy supposedly just shot two people but you aren't going to handcuff him before loading him into the police car? This is the absolute worst fake shooting I've seen. They really need to up their game.

My grade: Absolute Fail

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Hmm, learn something every other day, I knew about gematria, but was totally ignorant of umbrella symbiology. Is it a jewish/hebrew occult manifestation? I guess we see what we want to see to bolster what we believe in or find truth in. I never bought into the fantasy paradigm and in that how people find meaning in esoteric stimulus of numbers, meaning of words beyond what a dictionary states, how a common item (an umbrella for instance) has these mystical properties that can foretell tragic events or happenings. Perhaps I lack an appreciation in that behavior, never saw a need to. Maybe, I haven't taken mind expanding drugs so I am quite unaware or care to see some heebie jeebie junk science if I may...

wendyworn said...

It's one of the many symbols that the synagogue of Satan like to use in their productions. It's understanding that "they" believe in the symbolism and use it in subliminal ways against the masses. The meaning of the word umbrella actually means little shadow. It helps to recognize these tactics when calling out the enemy.

clayusmcret said...

On a positive note, it may make protesters think twice about doing stupid shit like blocking traffic. If it did not happen in this instance, it will eventually.

wendyworn said...

could also incentivize more people who are sick of these road-blockers to just go ahead and shoot people. I see a lot of comments out there in support of this fake shooter guy. plus it fits right in with the whyte domestic terrorist thing. just one more nudge on the public to take matters into their own hands and thus give the force-multipliers out there a reason to arrest them all. these little psyops serve multiple agendas.

Anonymous said...

Interesting take.
I’ve seen people shot, that first terd went down just as the schmucks I’ve seen get the pill.

But…in todays chaos and insanity, anything, is possible.

Johno said...

Miss Wendyworn, yes it looks dodgy to me, it’s only missing the symbolism of two discarded red shoes to be complete.

wendyworn said...

Thanks Johno - I thought the exact same thing about the shoes