Monday, November 7, 2022

Insomnia – Part 2


Can't get back to sleep again. This time is partly due to the stupid time change. I went to bed too early last night (which was previously my regular time.) It will take some time to get my body attuned. Just one more thing to stress out the people I guess.

The Black and Decker coffee maker that I bought for $45 dollars SIX MONTHS AGO decided to quit working yesterday morning. So it is back to the trusty percolator. I'm not in any position to replace the coffee maker at this time.

I did come across some good reads yesterday. Here was one from Hoyt:

We’re Not Going Back

My mom was released from the hospital and back home on Thursday, but my dad called just as I was getting ready for bed last night. The ambulance had just left taking her back to the hospital. So current situation is unknown at this time. Please keep her in your prayers and I will keep you posted when I hear more.

That is all for now. Keep prepping and praying! Take care out there.


Justin_O_Guy said...

My beautiful Corning ware percolator lives on top of the refrigerator. When the power is down and I haven't fired up the generator, it comes down.
We went through several coffee makers in the last two years. I was lobbying for no more but the Wife said, One More, and she got one of those single cup ,pod using things. It's doing it so far. It needs a little wire probe and a flush, which it does IF you can push two buttons exactly at the same time. It comes with a basket that you can put your favorite coffee in. So you don't Hafta spend fitty cents on a cup. The same people who sell the Instant Pot,which we have and I like, sell the Instant Solo..It doesn't take up much room. I get the basket loaded for in the morning and Boom,, Keeping it loaded with water is no hassle. You can start it up and fill it while it's going. It holds enough for three big cups. You can choose between three sizes and it offers a Bold setting. It's a hunnert bucks and tax.

Some people want the clock left alone. If it was left where it is today, it would still be light enough to work outside at almost ten in west Texas. And if it was left on Savings, kids would be waiting for the bus in the dark. IDK, it's a PITA surviving the changes, and setting the clock in the car is such a pain that I'm okay with it being off an hour. I know what time it is.

If strangers wanting your mom to get better helps, she's Gonna get better. Don't forget to breathe. Take a break, sit quietly and just breathe. Sometimes the world just seems to want to steal our peace.
Don't let it.

wendyworn said...

Thanks Justin it does help.

Cederq said...

I am sorrowful you are suffering from Miss Insomnia... I have her visit me on occasion. She is not a personable companion. I too will offer up prayers for your mother and you and your husband. Be well and prosperous.

wendyworn said...

Thanks cederq!