Wednesday, November 9, 2022

See Anything You Like?

What? There's chicanery happening in Maricopa County?! Say it isn't so!

Well. Duh.

I truly feel sorry for those who believed in the Red Wave a coming to save everyone. I am surprised that Fetterman won Pennsylvania. I think a cardboard cut-out would get more done, but that is just my opinion.

I am sure the fall out of the election will continue for the next couple weeks or possibly months while the out-right war on the people will continue.

Hoyt says it best as usual:


Take care out there my friends.



Cederq said...

Sorry Wendy that this is posted late, I was helping my brother most of the day and got back about an hour ago and fixed a ham steak and some smashed tators... umm good. It wasn't a red wave, most like a pink drip out of a leaky faucet... either enough Right sided peeples didn't get out to vote harder or massive systemic cheating by cheaters and liars of udder side of the bird...

wendyworn said...

dinner sounds yummy! I guess they cheated "just enough" - enough to prevent a red wave but not enough to wake anyone up. sigh...

Justin_O_Guy said...

They were careful to Not win anything that would be too obviously a cheat. They lost what they could afford to lose and not upset the balance of power.

wendyworn said...
