Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood

How sick are these people going to get?

Scientists safely injected two patients with lab-grown blood

This is really an area that people should know not to go, but here we are. The Lord said, except those days be shortened – NO FLESH would survive. But for the elect's sake, the days have been shortened. For now the destruction of God's creation continues unabated. These are very dark days indeed.


Cederq said...

I am drawn to have an adequate emergency blood supply for those needing a transfusion due to a traumatic injury or a disease and there are blood extenders and blood substitutes, but, blood grown by lab. It seems it has to be stem cells that are used as scaffolding then by DNA manipulation to grow blood cells. There are other components to blood, plasma and serous fluids that provide water and proteins. Platelets and white blood cells. Then the narrator stresses there are radioactive markers? So now those blood recipients have to worry about a possible cancer risk. When I had my kidney removed I stressed most emphatically I was not to receive a blood transfusion due to the fake vaxx (and the vaxx itself)and did not want those little buggers floating in me. I also stated my brother was not a blood donor even though we both have AB+ blood type, he got vaxxed. I don't know what the answer is, but not lab grown out of aborted fetal stem cells.

wendyworn said...
