Saturday, December 24, 2022

Buy Warm Socks

So I was happy, busily going about my day and weathering the storm. I got this. Screw those guys and their “Arctic Cyclone Bomb” or what ever they are calling it. The water was dripping to keep it from freezing. I had no hot water, but it was ok. I boiled it on the stove to use to wash the dishes. The heater was running and keeping us warm. I was still able to get things done.

I was not aware at first that the sewer pipe that empties the grey and black tanks had frozen solid. Not until I went into the bathroom and the tub was overflowing with water and so was the toilet. I believe that I actually panicked. I grabbed a pot and started scooping the water out into a bucket and dragging the bucket to the front door to empty it. I did that about four times and asked my husband to call the managers of the park because this was not something I was going to be able to maintain.

Thank God, the park manager had sympathy for us and spent an hour or two getting everything flowing again. In the meantime, we had to shut off the water, so now we will have no running water until at least Tuesday, or when it decides to warm up again.

I have prepared to be without water. I have lots and lots of water stashed away for both drinking and using for dishes or flushing the toilet. I broke out the paper plates, bowls and plastic silverware that I had stored for just this sort of emergency.

What I had NOT prepared for was warm socks. I only own two pairs of warm socks which both got wet in the ensuing flood. It took all the rest of the day for me get my feet warm again. I will definitely be buying loads of warm socks as soon as I am able.

This all occurred yesterday. Today I went out to warm up the car before heading to the store, but the car wont start. Probably something frozen there as well. Luckily I can walk down to the little store and get some supplies. One of the checker girls happened to be there on her day off getting gas and gave me a ride back to my place.

So we are doing ok. Still staying warm, got lots of munchies to get us through Christmas. My husband wants me to come watch a Miracle on 34th street with him. I don't think I have seen it before. Praying that you are all well, warm and happy. Have a nice Christmas and may you all get warm socks!

Take care out there!



Cederq said...

Oh, Wendy(L)! I have been there done that with frozen pipes and black tank. Do you let the grey tank drain? I have had to borrow those rocket propane heaters to un-thaw my black tank and not melt it... that would be beyond bad. I wish upon you warm socks and a Joyous Christmas!

wendyworn said...

yes, we normally just let the tanks grey tank drain, but somehow it froze anyway. At least we are out of the negative temps now. Have a great Christmas Cederq!

Justin_O_Guy said...

Arrgh, cold feet. Once the feet are cold,I'm pretty much done.
How different it is from forty years ago, rough necking in Way West Texas when it hit negative ten and thankfully the wind was not over twenty mph. Socks are important, for sure.
A stop by the Army Navy store could be a good plan. They have those ever so attractive wool blankets in the original olive green monochromatic eyesore available.

Yesterday was fun here, too. It was my birthday. And the world doesn't care. I woke up to a busted pipe in the wall behind the washer. I failed. It's spewing a skinny stream. And since I'm still healing from the surgery, it was a challenge.. I'll be walking again in a couple of days and get back to it.
Cold sure can jack up your day.

wendyworn said...

Happy Birthday Justin! So sorry to hear about your busted pipe. I am praying for you! I'm praying for your healing and your pipes. Hope you have a nice Christmas! Take care out there!

Justin_O_Guy said...

Thank you, Wendy,

Cederq said...

Are you frozen yet? Happy birthday Justin! So, how many trips around old Sol?

Justin_O_Guy said...

I've been all the way around the sun sixty eight times now.
The world seems to be getting crazier with each passing anniversary.
I really did have a good birthday,and thanks to the well wishers.