Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Tis the season

I actually saw this on another blog. This use to be my all time favorite Christmas song - and who doesn't love the cello? Enjoy!


Cederq said...

I love instrumental music and yes, the cello is favorite! I learned to play cello in grade school and played in the high school band until the fumes got to me... car fumes and perfumes. I haven't played since then and I am regretting that.

wendyworn said...

wow! I already thought you were cool - but a cellist as well! very impressive!

Cederq said...

Wendy(L) I wouldn't call myself a cellist... more I can scratch a note across without tormenting a dog or cat... like I said, I haven't plucked at a cello since high school.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Kinda looks to me like the pianist doesn't totally dig the cello. He keeps making him go play far away.

wendyworn said...
