Sunday, December 11, 2022

Identity Crisis

An excellent and detailed break down of how we got here by Karen Hunt over at the Off-Guardian:

Digital ID and Our Obsession with “Identity”

This is an excellent interview on where we are headed:

Must Hear Interview Your Digital Prison Is Pretty Much Built- - Will BeThe Final Lockdown

Like I've stated before, even in the tiny town of Abilene Kansas there are purple streetlights installed and ready for use (against us.) There is an enormous 5G cell tower on the outskirts of town.

Currently, we are still “free” to move about the country – and the world for that matter. How long it will be like that remains to be seen. Evil plans are being implemented faster than we think. Now is the time to get where you need to be.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

You must admit it is a brilliant concept this digital idea. For "them." Some men/women are just controlling and that shows especially today, these parasites have infested and created these corporations to feed off of us, Aman Jabbi said it, massive amounts of money to be made, data as currency and control. I became a Behaviorist to help those that could not help themselves and lack a path. To study why we do and say the things we do and I found out I did not like me being that. I was contributing unknowingly at first at this form of elite utopia. That is how insidious it is, em-place at night is a rapt metaphor, do it in the cover of darkness in broad daylight. I don't want someplace safe and secure, unless I make it so, I provide for that feeling. Hmm, Wendy(L) what do us outliers, us misfits as it IS do? I am always fond of putting wrenches in the monkey works... I have always had a distrust and animosity toward authority. I have a saying I have used for years, "The more we rely on computers and technology, the behinder we get." Like minded and passionate person of true freedom need to unite Wendy(L), work the system,, find it's bugs and kinks and exploit them.

wendyworn said...

I agree that freedom and truth lovers need to be united. I'm not sure we can work the system from within or not. I think we need to withdraw from the system as much as possible - minimizing our digital footprint as much as we can. I'm just taking it one day at a time.

wendyworn said...

great point

Justin_O_Guy said...

I don't understand the purple lights thing. I saw a
Gee,detective bulbs... Dammitall!
explanation. But if that was the truth, cities would be demanding warranty replacements. So, what is the deal?
The people may have to cease to participate in a society they didn't ask for. Digital currency? Seriously? Neaux Fokkin Waaay..

wendyworn said...

the purple streetlights can detect whether people have been vaccinated or not. they are weaponized - but the cities aren't going to admit the truth about them because they are in on it. we are surrounded by evil.

Cederq said...

Wasn't my intent to make you cry...

wendyworn said...

dont worry about it - I was just teasing you (I did cry a little from watching that video - but it was all good)