Sunday, December 4, 2022

Prepare for Spiritual Warfare

Also from Sundance - A must read as far as I'm concerned:


Cederq said...

Scary... when you take a critical eye as to how facebook, twitter and even microsoft, etc... were created and funded. You will find this very intelligence apparatus behind them. So funny as all the Patriot Act being implemented these companies expanding and become the powerhouse and invasive cancer we see today. Remember AOL? I am sure when that was in it's heyday, all these entities took note and saw the possibilities. With the exception to google, I do not interface with any of them and find them childish and demeaning. I am sure Orwell saw what could be and wrote 1984. He saw how manipulative and dangerous intelligence and spying agencies outgrow and establish themselves as power.

wendyworn said...

it is scary - especially how huge and pervasive it is. trying not to participate is practically impossible

Cederq said...

And that Wendy is the feature, not the bug to participation. I don't know how many local government and private entities always want you to download an "app" on a smart(idiot) phone to use their service. I flatly refuse to get an idiot phone and still use a flip phone and even that has data now and I will not pay for it, so I tell them either a link so I can use the laptop, or do it the old fashion way, in paper, and I getting to not even admit I have an email address and just make them use paper.

wendyworn said...

I'm the same - still using a flip phone - although even they are hard to come by these days.