Wednesday, December 7, 2022

FBI Investigating

As the Adaptive Curmudgeon states - Let's call it what it is shall we? Sabotage:

Speak Clearly / Think Clearly: Part 2: The Word The Press Will Not Speak
And why is the FBI investigating this? They are the likely suspects as far as I'm concerned with their history of false-flags. Is it possible we can get some uncompromised  third party to look into this? Yeah - probably not. Just wondering if this is going to escalate country wide. It does fit the narrative with the added bonus of plausible deniability. I guess we shall see.


Cederq said...

Boy, ya hit the nail on the head and drove it in first whack! News has been saying there are other incidents of sniping at transformers. The boys in blue and armor are find out real quick, those sniping rifles and gonna be turned on them next... head and hips, baby. Too many good 'ole boys that have military, police and combat experience and are red necked as hell.

wendyworn said...

with all the surveillance you would think they would have a suspect or two. that is why I suspect an inside job - they just haven't decided how to spin it yet. I feel sorry for all the people still without power.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Gotta normalize it
Before they slap us with it

wendyworn said...
