Sunday, December 18, 2022

It just gets worse



Justin_O_Guy said...

I've been actively avoiding that piece of information for days.
Can't make myself investigate it at all. It just curdles my guts to think that is going on.
Ohh,Lookie! A factory for children with no parents, no history, they don't exist, legally and they can be raised to be used and abused. And that is just one avenue of evil that something like that will be used for.

Cederq said...

Soylent Green, Matrix, and an abundance of eugenic dystopian science fiction movies and books all rolled up in one fashionable way to birth those babies with out backaches, cramped bladder, stretch marks and delivery pain and late night cravings all rolled up minus the joy God has given us for miracles! Isn't technology wonderful? Women and men can do all that with less cost and no commercialization... I have one question, since it is an artificial umbilical infused, is there a belly button?

wendyworn said...

it is so absolutely horrific.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Skipped watching it everywhere I have seen it. Their are sick evil people in this world and a special place for them in the end.

wendyworn said...

the sooner the better bear claw