Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Kansas Ice

It is a solid sheet of ice outside my front door. I have had to put a towel down on the steps so the poor dog is able to get out and do her business. I don't really want to discuss my on-going health issues on this blog – but the extreme cold is exacerbating my pain and after I make sure that my husband is fed and taken care of, I have spent most of my time in bed.

I'm very thankful that I work from home. I am in no condition to try to drag myself into an office. I work today, then I have tomorrow off. I work again on Thursday then have a 4 day weekend. I hear rumors that it is warming up next week. I can't wait.

Hope you all are doing well, will check in again soon.

Take care out there.

1 comment:

Cederq said...

Must be nice to have 4 day weekends.... better is to have 7 day weekends.