Friday, October 7, 2022

Do Not Register


The trick the enemy continues to use, is to get people to voluntarily give up their information, that can then be used against them. Like this:

Of course the USDA would love to have people tell them about their gardens. The newly designated “People's garden”. In the past the idea of community gardens has been a really nice idea and has benefited many people. But times have changed. Now that “we” have been declared the enemy – anything we say CAN and WILL be used against us.

The less the government knows about any self-sufficiency you may have – including gardens - the better. Once you “register” your garden, you are now subject to having some fat bureaucrat show up with his clipboard to inspect your garden and tell you what you can and cannot do with it.

(Update on my mom. Either the hospital was originally wrong in their diagnosis or my mom has been healed. Her kidneys are now functioning normally, her numbers are good and she should be discharged back to the physical therapy facility sometime today. I'm going to claim the miracle and say Thank you Lord!!)


Cederq said...

I have learned not to be a "joiner" I do not sign up for anything and do not give out information. Surveys? No! Extra help by a local government or even state or fed, no! Not even from private sources or companies, always a hidden price to pay. Signing up for anything even when offered a benefit has hidden caveats that will bite you in the arse and will in the long run prove costly or irritating. It always boils down to, to control.

Cederq said...

I am glad and relieved your mom is doing better! Thank you Lord times ten thousand!

wendyworn said...

Thanks cederq! yes - I am the same way. wont give my info away and even more so now

ontoiran said...

i am at a loss for words at the idea of someone so brain dead that they would voluntarily cooperate with ANY government entity or believe anything coming from any mainstream news outlet

wendyworn said...

me too ontoiran, yet here we are. that is why I try to warn people of the consequences. so many people just don't can't see what is going on these days.