Saturday, October 8, 2022

Paypal's New Policy: Open Theft - Updated

I'm going to let Karl over at the Market Ticker bring you the story: (language warning)

PayPal: ZERO Them AND Their Employees

I guess PayPal thinks it is okay to just take $2500 right out of your account if they don't like what you have to say online. I mean, who has ever heard of such a thing? I hope their company goes out of business for this – maybe that is the plan? Why else would a company do such a stupid thing?

Adding Paypal to the list of companies I will no longer do business with. Insanity.

 Update - LOL - That was quick:

PayPal Reverses Course, Says Company Will Not Seize Money From People For Promoting “Misinformation”
Too Late - Not going back. 




Cederq said...

I just deleted my Pay Pal account due to what I may offend on my blog... I am sure I don't want Phil or me pay $2500 bucks because I offended a snoflake... These people will be getting a life soon, because if hell breaks out we won't cater to them or tolerate them any longer. learn to live with disappointment and regret, seems we learned coping skills the hard way and if something "offends me" I stop reading or looking at it and go on...

wendyworn said...

Good job! I know a lot of people have done the same. serves them right! there is more of us then them. get woke go broke as they say - lol

Justin_O_Guy said...

How many companies have shown their true colors, and been forced to reverse course? Yeah, you can't Sorry your way out of telling me who you are. Now I wish I had a PayPal account, so I could cancel it.

wendyworn said...

LOL! yes it is so nice to have the enemy expose themselves for us!

Steve said... that $2500 a one time deal? And once you pay it; you have carte Blanche and can say anything you want?
Or are they going to hit you with this "fine" every time you p**s them off?

wendyworn said...

I think it was going to be every time! well, they are trying to walk it back now but as far as I am concerned, they've shown their hand.