Thursday, October 6, 2022

Prayers for Filthie

I know Glen wrote this on Tuesday, but I didn't read it until yesterday. I have felt that way before at times in my life. Being a truth-teller is a hard lonely road and when it seems like your family is always against you, even in the little things, it gets exhausting.

So I just want to send up some prayers for him today. He has posted since so he is doing ok – Take care out there Glen. We are thinking about you and praying for you.


Cederq said...

A lot of us are like you Wendy, truth-tellers and why we get attracted to blogs like yours, Filthies, Bustednuckles, Irish's, etc... I have noticed a common pattern to peoples comments, most are the "black sheep" the differents, outliers, conspiracy theorists of their family and friends and don't buy into the globull homo liberal BS and lies. We just don't like the kool-aid.

wendyworn said...

agreed! i definitely fall into that category

Steve said...

You mean being an irritating, truth speaker Lil fart to my liberal sisters; is a socially acceptable attitude?

wendyworn said...

I'm not sure. Did your liberal sisters have it coming?

wendyworn said...

I will pray for these people. I had a lot of people in my family get the shots as well, and some of them are having horrible complications right now - which can't be directly tied back to being side effects of the shots except for the suspicious timing.

Literally, they were deceived and coerced as a group and I do feel sorry for them. Thanks for commenting.