Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday Update


After two weeks without a car it was finally finished and I was able to go and pick it up yesterday. My landlord gave me a ride into town. It ended up costing $300 less than what was originally quoted. Thank you Lord! It was so nice to finally have a running vehicle that I didn't have to closely monitor the temp gauge. (Not that I didn't, but it never got higher than halfway)

The grocery store was very busy. When we first moved here a year ago – green onions were 63 cents a bundle. Now they are almost 3 dollars! But there were no empty shelves. There was a man with a card board sign at the entrance of the parking lot. I suspect we may see more of those pop up as time goes on, but that was the first time I've seen one here.

It looks like they may not try and fake a nuke war – but it is not completely off the table. Now is not the time to relax. I believe the enemy is just getting started. The deception goes far, far deeper than we know and they have technologies that they can deploy against us that would deceive the very elect if that was possible. Two steps forward, one step back.

I recently came across the Miri AF website (the AF stands for Anne Finch in case you thought it meant something different.) I believe she has the right idea.

That is all for now. I need to do laundry and meal prep for the week. My days off go way too fast. Keep prepping and praying.
Take care out there.


Stalled Century said...

Thanks that’s an excellent share, a new source for me. A limited hangout, stage-managed reveal lines up with what I’ve been expecting. The normies will be shepherded from blindly believing the Official Version to rejecting it…and then demanding a new power structure to replace it.

On the optimistic side, folks already awake will be further ahead of curve and reject the BBB agenda, hopefully to some positive results.

wendyworn said...

Welcome Stalled Century! Thanks for commenting!

Cederq said...

Wendy, I have some laundry that needs attention... We may get sucked into the beginnings of one world government, I don't see it prosper and thrive, too many low intelligence, narcissistic power players that will institute internecine war games to position themselves as "supreme leader." Of course the battle will overflow and overlap the people and be caught up as collateral damage. The problem with communist and totalitarian regimes are educated populace rejects it and find ways to sabotage the regime. Why brutal force and an encompassing police state is needed.

wendyworn said...

I hope you are right cederq. I'm just concerned about the masses that rolled up their sleeves, there were SO MANY of them. They may just go along with whatever is planned.

Cederq said...

Wendy, you have to treat them as enemy combatants. They went along to get along and persons like you and me and myriad of others are not friends and family anymore. They have shown a propensity to follow blindly to illegal orders and "mandates" They cannot be trusted! They will turn you in for that extra meal or some type of ration. We are the "others, outliers" act accordingly, if we are criminal, then be the best criminal there is. We will never be accepted for now on out. We are each other's family, friends, compatriots.

wendyworn said...

yes it is true. thank you for saying that.