Monday, October 17, 2022

Got Crabs?

The 'Deadliest Catch' Disappears: Alaska's Snow Crabs Have Vanished

According to the “official NOAA report” 90% of the Alaska's Snow Crabs in the Bering Sea have disappeared due to climate change. Or have they? All the data is based on computer modeling due to Covid 19 (As in not enough actual people available to go out and do any measurements). There was some sort of “event” that occurred in 2014-2016 but that was 6 years ago.

Regardless, there will be no crabbing allowed by any commercial or personal fishing vessels to see if there is crabs there or not. Just another food source not available to the general public.



wendyworn said...

I miss fresh seafood! But putting local fisherman out of business would be part of the ongoing agenda.

Cederq said...

That is probably the biggest reason Wendy why the crab season was halted, can't have valuable protein going to the masses, they may use it to stay healthy and able to carry out a needed revolution and produce more children. Crab and lobster is almost tasteless, but it is chock full of protein, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids...
That is why a majority of food manufactures, warehouses and distribution centers have been destroyed and farmers to plow under crops.

wendyworn said...

that is what i think too

Justin_O_Guy said...

Need more data to have a clue about whether or not this is just another decree that sux but is Naturally just trying to do what is Best for Us. After so many years of manipulation of data, outright lies, and power grabbing ( pick your favorite descriptive words)
it's reasonable to believe it's being done to accomplish something yet unseen.
Instead of just bankrupting the people who own the boats, why not let them go harvest enough to, uhh,stay afloat? Or is that pretty much what every year is? IDK what to believe anymore. Except to distrust everything that comes along.
Our people won't be out there harvesting, but will that stop others? I'm going with No.
The harvest, as reported on Yahoo, was the lowest in forty years.
Is that accurate? Were the same number of boats working ??
If there were fewer boats, because of, Gee, what Could have possibly caused us to have fewer boats and crews to man them happen?
Yeah, I'm probably just being cynical. I'm sure there is Nothing to See here. I'm just gonna be a good herd member and MOOve along.

wendyworn said...

Justin - you crack me up. IDK either. unfortunately I dont have the time to delve deeper into it.