Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Roast in the Oven


This is not a picture of the actual roast I put in the oven to cook low and slow for lunch (and to cook it before it gets too hot). But the smell of the roast is making the dog go crazy. That nose of hers has not been affected by age. 

While we were waiting in the mechanics shop on Saturday, the dog was napping on the floor. I saw one of those gumball machines that had peanut M&Ms. I snuck over there and got some and came and sat back down and ate them. About ten minutes later the dog woke up. Came over and sniffed me, followed the scent over to the gumball machine and back to me. She then gave me the look. She knew that I ate some of those M&Ms. LOL 

Anyway - gotta go to work.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Can I come over for dinner? I will bring desert and a good wine if that doesn't upset your sensibility?

wendyworn said...

lol- sure come on over and yes bring some wine! the roast turned out very yummy