Thursday, February 15, 2024


I finally had to give up using Firefox. I was originally using them because they stated that they weren't tracking your browsing, but that ended a year or so ago.

Even though I was able to make two laptops into one, so that it wasn't overheating, the laptop I'm using is still pretty glitchy. Sometimes, especially if I had to walk away from the computer, it wouldn't wake up after going into sleep mode and I would have to shut it off and turn it back on. Typical scenario was to click out of Microsoft Edge that came up automatically and then wait for Firefox for 20 minutes until it would finally start working. I'm not sure why I put up with it for as long as I did.

I imported all my bookmarks into Microsoft Edge and spent some time organizing them and getting them cleaned up. I know. Boring.

I got a very nice rejection email from one of the jobs I was waiting on. While I would have jumped on the job, it was 12 hour shifts on graveyard with a rotating schedule. I was a little concerned about whether I could work a graveyard shift being a very solid morning person. I guess God knows best on that one. Still waiting to hear back from a couple other places. Sigh.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.


Eraser said...

I have been using Brave for some time, but it has a Chromium back-end, which is essentially "the google". It's still a fairly private browser and very stable, but I'm not naïve (that's "Evian" for you water drinkers) enough to think I'm free-rangin' out here. If you possess the skillset, I understand the Debian Linux system is pretty stable; but open source stuff gives me googly eyes, as it were. Props to you though for building your own Frankentop. I believe that takes some surgical precision!

wendyworn said...

do you think that qualifies me to start applying for IT positions? Just kidding since I couldn't figure out a Linux system either.

Anonymous said...

I'm had good luck with brave as well. I prefer it over edge. I loved pale moon but its defunct now.


wendyworn said...

I've heard good things about Brave. I may have to download it and try it out. thanks exile

Cederq said...

Exile, I am using Pale Moon on my lap top as well as Brave. Only reason I have both browsers is Wordpress blog dashboard which I use to post and moderate comments would not work on Pale Moon. I love Pale Moon! Brave not so much. If I stop backstopping Phil for whatever reason, I would remove the Brave browser faster than you could pick a bogger out your nose! I switch between both of them when I am on the computer. It downloads pictures and memes better than Brave does. I hate Edge with a purple passion... I don't use it. I had to upgrade my computer to Win 10 because a lot of blogs and portals stopped supporting Win 7. I had a shell program installed so it emulates Win 7 and XP and it is a stable and I don't have to decipher crap Edge. I have tried to use Ubanto and Mint Linux and got tired of and confused at time with their Command Line function to do everything, reminds me of using Win 2.o and Win 3.0...

Sorry you didn't get the job Wendy(L), I am sure it is for the best. I know those types of jobs have a high turnover rate, so may be too stressful and work you to death kind of job.

clayusmcret said...

Wendy, I've been using Brave for about a year or more. Love it! Like Eraser said, it's probably watching, but without Linux skills it's the best I'm going to get. Gave up on Firefox to get here. The cool thing is when I move from my desktop to my laptop while traveling, it's seamless.

Good luck on the job front.

Greg said...

I'm much like Cederq. Pale Moon is my main browser, with Brave for the few websites that PM won't run. PM was based on a Mozilla engine (Firefox), but departed from it long ago. They run frequent updates, and the release notes are in geekspeak and mean very little to me. The updates do run fast though and patiently wait for me to give them permission to load, unlike the updates from Microsoft.
I tried graveyard shift some years ago, and lasted about four months at it. The boss asked why I wanted it when I started, and I told her straight up: "It's a seriously diminished BS level." I liked the shift, the work, and the people I worked with. I just couldn't live with it. The entire rest of my life slowly ground to a halt, till there was nothing left but eat, sleep, and work. I was lucky in that my former PM shift opened up again, and I jumped back into it.

NotVenetian said...


Yes, Windows is a clown show of an operating system. Sometimes I think SSD's were created just so windows could be portrayed as a reasonable operating system. (If anyone suffers insomnia, try installing windows 10 on a conventional hard drive. Once installed it is gobsmackingly slow, so slow that once you get past the laughter, it will override your insomnia and put you to sleep).

Nice bit of determination there, Wendy, for creating a functioning laptop from 2 other laptops. I hope it lasts for a good while.

Good luck and best wishes on your job search!

wendyworn said...

thank you!