Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Sloppy Outcome of Losing the Narrative

No one cared that Paul Pelosi got a DUI a couple weeks ago. I suspect that no one actually cares he was allegedly attacked with a hammer yesterday and even less about who did it and why. But it is plastered in all the headlines on all the news sites including the alternative media – complete with nudity themed rabbit holes for people like 4chan to dig into.

What is up with that? Miles thinks it is all fake, but I could have told you that. Just a little too over the top and obvious. I mean, can it get more scandalous?

A couple weeks ago I might have even asked why are they hyping up this story everywhere now? But frankly, I just don't give a crap. I can't even muster up the most rudimentary curiosity about any of the details to even click on one of the headlines. Just another day with another ridiculous story.

Unfortunately for us, I think it will get worse from here on out. So I am taking a break for a little bit. Wake me up when midterms are over.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Oh, that is just plain nasty! And I have personally witnessed and helped pull out items stupid people insert where stuff is not supposed to be inserted, but never a hammer... I am becoming like you, I skip over articles and videos, all the same crap, same narrative, all the same stupid reporters questions, "How do you feel..." My arm is cut off, how am I supposed to feel, I am in shock... friggen retards all!

wendyworn said...

yeah, its really bad now that all the alternate news have gotten so fake, there is only blogs to read for anything legitimate and even they are starting to get taken down.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Makes me wonder what is happening that this is being pointed to, with all the bright lights shining on it.

wendyworn said...

yes hmmmmmm